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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Wacky Omarosa already has a fully signed Non-Disclosure Agreement! 12:13 PM · Aug 13, 2018
  2. Mark Nagi @MarkNagi Uh oh. Mr. Steal your girl is back... 7:07 PM · Aug 12, 2018
  3. I remember when a rodeo mask was beyond the pale.
  4. SpaceForceQRF.357 @SonofLiberty357 The video speaks for itself. 1:51 9M views 9:51 AM · Aug 7, 2018
  5. Two brothers rode on my bus in middle school. One was in my grade, the other in the grade below. Whenever they got in fights with other kids, they would both immediately start calling the other kid's mom a whore. When they would fight with each other, they would call each other's mom a whore. Same mother. After this happened a few times, I asked if they knew they were insulting their own mother. I still can't forget the look of confusion on their faces.
  6. 1-31 Hue is gripping. I expect Haley to be HC by week 6.
  7. Mack is just a smokescreen. It's been around 48 hours now. Tonight Beane will reveal what Bills fans have been hoping for...our very own dude cheerleaders! Fabulous!
  8. Kimberley Strassel @KimStrassel Allow me to help YOU, Mr. Schiff. Here is a link to December USDA report showing a record 129 million dead trees in California, citing forest mismanagement for fires. Your own California state fire office signed on to it. (link: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd566303.pdf) fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_D… Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff You've been in office for 18 LONG months and you still don't have a science adviser, so allow me to help. Environmental protections have nothing to do with the wildfires in CA. Climate change does. We're not going to let you use fires as an excuse to clear-cut our forests. (link: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1026587142989008897) twitter.com/realdonaldtrum… 2:18 PM · Aug 7, 2018
  9. Greggo - "No s***! I got a lozenge, B word!"
  10. Many people fall prey to the divisive articles and news (from both sides). We've just had the benefit of Greg consistently advising everyone here to use their own discernment. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing "trusted" news sources.
  11. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nikolas-cruz-florida-school-shooting-suspect-interrogation-transcript-released-today-2018-08-07/?__twitter_impression=true
  12. An inspiring story of one woman's struggle against all the dumb bitches who failed her by voting the way their husbands and sons told them to. Yashar Ali @yashar Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg Bringing Women's Voting Drama to TV Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg Bringing Women's Voting Drama to TV (Exclusive) hollywoodreporter.com 11:26 AM · Aug 1, 2018
  13. Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug What will it take for people to realize the only crime Manafort is guily of is being about that life? They want to lock him up for being too real. 3:20 PM · Jul 31, 2018
  14. Mine is pretty typical. The year I graduated high school, my girl and two friends of ours went to a beach to have a going away get together. My buddy got too drunk so I had to drive home. We were driving back home and my buddy was drinking in the backseat and just being obnoxious as hell. At some point, I turned around to yell at him and ended up hitting something in the middle of the road. The front end was f#@%ed. We went to find the animal we hit and it turns out it was a frigging person. We did what anyone would do in that situation and dumped the body at a local pier in hopes that the tide would take it out to sea. Fast forward a year, we had all lost touch but were back home for the summer. I won't bore you with the details of us all growing apart. Anyways, as you'd expect, the guy we hit (who btw was wearing a dark rain slicker on an unlit road that night - seriously who does that?!?) wasn't actually dead. Yada yada yada, he ended up killing my two friends and a bunch of other people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Me and my girl survived but if we can be real about it for a second, I kind of wish he'd gotten her too. She was always flaunting her families money in my face and her boobs weren't nearly as big as they looked.
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