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Everything posted by LB3

  1. That's not what I said. Trump is obviously pissed at Brennan. He has consistently said that the investigation is a sham. That doesn't mean it was his primary reason, just the one that pisses him off the most.
  2. Thank you. I'm inclined to believe the White House statement. What you just posted was not one full quote. "So I think it's something that had to be done" could have been said after he named other reasons. The context is lost without his full quote. There have been too many examples of his quotes being spliced together in a way that makes him look worse. Like when he called MS-13 animals, but the media made it look like he was talking about all immigrants.
  3. Can you post the entire quote you keep referencing? The snip you provided above does not say that it was his primary reason. It was just his standard raving about the investigation being a sham, which he hasn't wavered from since the beginning.
  4. I was thinking the same. Brady will look for him. He's not flashy. He's reliable.
  5. Every time I see Hogan I remember the hottest debate, Darick v Hogan. Hogan 4life.
  6. The new rule is gonna be brutal for defenses and fans.
  7. How does revoking Brennan's clearance affect the investigation?
  8. What I always loved about Steve was how he was named Steve. He really was a Steve.
  9. https://www.dailywire.com/news/34493/equality-gender-studies-professors-paid-more-ashe-schow
  10. The Associated Press @AP BREAKING: White House: Trump is revoking security clearance of former Obama administration CIA director John Brennan. 2:40 PM · Aug 15, 2018
  11. http://dailycaller.com/2018/08/15/jack-phillips-sues-colorado/ ^Someone really needs to kick this dude in the balls.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/aug/14/harvey-weinstein-trial-sex-trafficking-latest-news
  13. The Hill is really on fire. Penn goes on record saying that although Trump never actually said anything racist, that Trump is still a big meanie and it made him uncomfortable because he was tired a lot. Oh by the way, Penn also stated that he might not remember everything accurately. I really can't decide if The Hill is just trolling people with TDS or not.
  14. Paul Sperry @paulsperry_ BREAKING: FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility found Strzok violated FBI and DOJ policies by downloading classified information to his unsecured Gmail account which he shared with non-FBI family members, but only recommended a virtual hand slap for the otherwise felony 11:31 PM · Aug 13, 2018
  15. That's pretty damning stuff. An unverified recording of three people discussing a tape that may or may not exist which contains audio of something Trump may or may not have said. This is the one that finally takes him down. For sure.
  16. I really can't shake the feeling that he is NDBUFFCUSEFAN. Fake military background, terrible spelling/grammar and easily unhinged. Some high school kid with a big imagination who believes the lies he tells. I'm just waiting for the full on board-wide meltdown at this point.
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