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Everything posted by LB3

  1. It was sarcasm. It's scary that we can post the most asinine things and it be totally believable that liberals would legitimately think that way.
  2. As long as we men folk get to tell women what to do with their bodies, everything will be alright. Her body, my choice. Amirite!?!
  3. That's the problem. Those things are affordable if better choices are made. Make sacrifices. Be frugal. It might seem harsh, but if they want cash to play with, they can just work harder.
  4. Raising the minimum wage happens when necessary. Raising to placate entitled socialists is dumb. $15/hr for unskilled labor will cause more harm than good.
  5. Paying someone more than their skill level requires is a handout.
  6. Now I'm going to think of two things when I hear that, Donnie Darko and DiFi.
  7. That would certainly be a negative. A positive would be that people making false claims might think twice about doing so as well. Especially if charges are brought against those lying in this case.
  8. I read an interesting theory earlier that RR is a white hat as well. That all the noise has been a long con. It would line up with things the posted a while back saying if Mueller is dirty, so is RR. (I'm assuming the inverse would be correct as well.)
  9. No. People given handouts don't just stop asking for handouts. They not only want more, they expect more.
  10. It's too bad the democrats put him and his family through all of this nonsense publicly.
  11. Ford testified under oath that she gave all information she had to the committee. What would the FBI get that she didn't already give under oath?
  12. Well yes, I do. They've proven to be biased so often that it's not worth my time. I put as much stock in anything they produce as I do The Daily Stormer. None. I'd much rather read the agreement myself.
  13. This is the founder and editor at large of Vox. This was his tweet about the agreement.
  14. Tarantino's "Cocaine Mitch Unchained" coming soon to a theater near you.
  15. History will not be kind to "March of the Penguins" for getting the ball of hatred rolling, which ultimately led to this. !@#$ you Morgan Freeman! INSIDER @thisisinsider A worldwide penguin shortage has forced a UK zoo to use fake penguins in its penguin enclosure A worldwide penguin shortage has forced a UK zoo to use fake penguins in its penguin enclosure thisisinsider.com 11:41 AM · Oct 3, 2018
  16. Yes! A large portion of my office is melting down. Best emergency test ever!
  17. What happens is what Thomas Wictor got banned from twitter for suggesting.
  18. Stephen Miller @redsteeze 22h When Jim Mattis opens a letter full of ricin
  19. Especially after they ran the article recently saying he shouldn't coach anymore since he's a pedophile.
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