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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I agree with all this, but every time I read it this pops in my head.
  2. I'm not sure Maddow has covered that yet. She's been busy wondering what it would be like if Russia turned the power off in your town.
  3. He's not doing blackface. He's pretending to be a racist Republican who's doing blackface. Duh.
  4. Why do you always leave out the term "illegal" when referring to these immigrants?
  5. Trump has truly melted the brains of otherwise reasonable people.
  6. "We don't kill kids, we just suck the life out of our husbands."
  7. I wonder which journo is going to be the first to say, "Trump had her killed!!!!.... ...if true, he should be dealt the harshest penalties there are"
  8. Me walking into my office (full of TDS afflicted libs) the day after it's announced that RBG will no longer be serving on the court...
  9. At first I was skeptical and thought he could just be a normal troll, but his obsession with you is pretty obvious. His poetry slams are the sheeeeit though!
  10. Why is it understandable? Anyone that would want to get onto/into his property is just a desperate person looking for a better life. Don't be such a bigot.
  11. You admit here that nothing is off limits when it comes to getting rid of Trump. Anything goes. Your side is always so short sighted. Setting precedents like this is dangerous.
  12. Oddly enough, I learned of him sometime last year I just can't remember where. Didn't he basically turn himself in because he wanted the fame? That's sick and I'd heard of that before too. Someone posted an article on it here recently. This sick ***** keeps getting pushed. Tom is right. In 6 months, Vampire will be a protected class.
  13. Sad part is that is entirely believable. The sickest part of the article is that they seem to glamorize it. They say that it naturally occurs during puberty for them. That's all the world needs. Confused kids thinking drinking blood is the answer. That's gonna end well.
  14. Da fuq? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6625227/amp/Polyamorous-vampires-reveal-drink-girlfriends-blood.html?__twitter_impression=true
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