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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I hate cigarette smoke. Let's add them. They have to take down their masks to smoke anyways. Two birds!
  2. Back on topic. The players are all posing cowards if they don't cancel the entire season. It will be interesting to see what my second favorite player (AI #1 forever) ever LeBron will do. Does he want another title enough to ignore this? Does he have the courage of his convictions?
  3. You're ok letting criminals being let go to harm innocent people. I'm very comfortable knowing you're an awful person. I'm glad you had time to regroup and respond to my same post a second time. The kid is defending the rights of innocent business owners. I get that you love rioting, but let's at least be honest. I posted a video of the beginning. If you click on it, you'll see it through the final confrontation.
  4. Bingo. Innocent people should be an afterthought to scumbag criminals. That's the disconnect.
  5. He was absolutely looking to do something. I'm guessing it didn't include killing someone. I would assume he thought the rifle would scare people. It didn't, obviously. "Protesters" travel great distances to "protest". Not just good "protest". The 17 year old is masked up in the green. The head shot guy is dropping the n word asking to get shot. NSFW
  6. I guess you haven't seen the videos. A low information supporter. I'm not surprised.
  7. He was wearing it when the unmasked head shot guy was telling the kid to shoot him. The head shot guy also kept using the n word a lot.
  8. They attacked him. Did you not see it? Do you need me to post the before and after videos?
  9. 1. He had a mask. There are videos. 2. He drove to stop rioters from burning down innocent businesses. Gloves were to prevent getting Covid from rioters. Obviously.
  10. ?Racist dogwhistles. You're a hoot. Me saying the kid gets what he gets is racist? That's too funny. I implied the kid should get whatever punishment his actions brought on him because he made his choice and you have a problem with that? I guess we as people don't deserve consequences for our actions. ? Your emotions don't make you correct, they make you emotional.
  11. ?? Seven times may have been excessive. I don't get too upset when scumbags get treated poorly.
  12. Could be avoided by not burning down businesses. ?‍♂️ Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  13. Again. Your emotions are making you illogical. Statistically, if he doesn't resist, he doesn't get shot. Pretty simple.
  14. I'm very worried about America. The rioting needs to be stopped.
  15. The man that executed Cannon Hinnant was arrested. I can't say whether he was given Burger King (or any other fast food). Is that as relevant as Dylan Roof?
  16. This might be the worst strawman I've seen in a while. ?
  17. Killed rioters trying to assault him. The guy he shot in the head asked to be shot, ironically enough. He also later chased and threw an object (reports say molotov cocktail) at Rittenhouse. Will be an interesting self defense case.
  18. Oh yeah. I've only seen highlights. It's hilarious.
  19. Come on. Everyone loves watching Equality dunk on Education Reform. ?
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