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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Gab is a perfect example. The racist azzholes drive decent people away. Edit: It's not that I'm offended. It's just stupid and tiring.
  2. If Beto has sex reassignment surgery, he will be the ultimate victim. He'll be a Mexicish, transgender, lesbian furry.
  3. The data overwhelmingly supports the position that BM is a disingenuous asshat.
  4. Socialists should do the right thing and disappear from society. They're worthless humans.
  5. https://www.complex.com/life/2019/03/twitter-announces-conversations-changes-new-camera-features New Twitter app has changed its engagement settings so that you can't see the number of likes and retweets. CNN's finest must be sick of getting ratio'd.
  6. https://reason.com/blog/2019/03/12/sarah-lawrence-college-abrams-demands The list of demands is insane, which is actually par for the course at this point. Here is a snip from the outrageously offensive oped that triggered them. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/16/opinion/liberal-college-administrators.html
  7. It's hard to resist commenting there. I imagine that is what political discussions on Facebook must look like. All feelings, no substance.
  8. Tibs after changing this thread title...
  9. Cersei dies. Jamie dies. Tyrion survives. Theon dies. Euron dies. Yara survives and lives to munch more box. Dany and her dragons die defeating ice dragon. Jon survives this fight. Bran tells Jon, Sansa and Arya that the only way to defeat the Night King is to kill him. Jon can't kill Bran and tries to kill the Night King. Jon dies. Sansa kills Bran to save the realm. Arya kills Sansa for killing Bran. Gendry survives, marries Arya becomes King. They adopt Jon and Dany's kid. A Stark once again raises a Targaryan. Onion Knight is hand of the King. Sam is writing and telling the story.
  10. Reiner is one of the top Hollywood "resistance" members. My mother quotes his ridiculously stupid twitter account like it's gospel. To each their own. Some people enjoy being stupid.
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