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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I posted about this in the NBA thread in OTW. Unsurprisingly, no one has really touched it yet.
  2. The NBA and James Harden just bent over and took it from China. So much for how much the NBA and its players really care for human rights. At least they won't call owners owners though. They got that going for them, which is nice. ?‍♂️
  3. JA just wants to mock stuff. BF is basically the same as JA, just way saltier. BM is more philosophical and just wants everyone to hug.
  4. You should have posted this as @BeginnersMind. It fits that personality better. Just saying.
  5. Time travel like a mofo.
  6. I hadn't played since Madden 2005 either. I literally never lost a game to anyone(over storm brave was unstoppable). Last year, I went to a friend's house for a Bills game. His 8 year old son beat me 45-0. Good luck.
  7. Numbered from left to right. I'd go with #2. 1 - Her whiny, baby voice would get annoying real quick. 3 - Will argue nonstop and criticize every decision you make. 4 - Cannot stop talking about how much she hates Debbie from work. 5 - Has her last 4 boyfriends under a tarp in her basement. Now yeah, it's a given that 2 has seen some things in her day. More than her fair share. Enough to break most women. Her kid is a monster and her ex is a psycho but she's resilient. She just wants to relax and have some no strings, drama free fun. Most women say that, but she's truly about that life.
  8. Larry Johnson @2LarryJohnson7 #JefferyEpstein Born: January 20, 1953 66 (years) 6 (months) Died: August 10, 2019 This nihilistic culture has programmed the masses that the forces of darkness isn’t real. The devil is always in the details. 1:26 PM · Sep 23, 2019·Twitter for iPhone 1.4K Retweets 4.7K Likes
  9. Yet you fell for the Russian collusion conspiracy theory. Why do you keep bringing up 9/11?
  10. Did you buy into the conspiracy theory that Trump and Pence would force all of you into conversion therapy?
  11. This is my new favorite gif. The Twitter meltdowns over him not being eliminated are hilarious. ? America... officially great again!
  12. It's honestly a good topic but you're correct in that emotions run too high on both sides for OTW.
  13. In all fairness, they were already there getting defensive. ? Joking aside, I apologize for hijacking your thread when I mocked a certain coastal poster for his ridiculous comparison.
  14. I mean, his opinion is unbelievable. It's a given that a civil war would be awful. A complete tragedy resulting in millions of deaths. But holy *****. Picking which side would win would be like picking each Dolphins game this year.
  15. Did I make fun of all educated people? Where did I insult STEM?
  16. That's a fair point. Those super educated gender studies majors who paid a ton of money to learn about toxic masculinity would definitely put the fear of God in those 2nd Amendment believers. "You just assaulted me with your words.Omg! Starbucks didn't even have my soy mocha latte this morning and I just can't even right now. You're sooo dead after I hug my emotional support chinchilla!"
  17. You also follow and respect the organization that has made cheating a cherished artform. The things you can't see aren't really all that surprising.
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