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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Rick Jeanneret... As a Rosen doubter, even I'll admit nothing can be gleaned from watching him take the beating he'll get behind that OL. They need someone more mobile with veteran awareness right now. Getting him killed is the worst way to judge him, IMO.
  2. 1st and a 4th for Mike Evans when the Bucs realize Winston ain't the guy and decide to rebuild.
  3. Where the fight videos at? Not that I'd want to watch them or anything.
  4. I think the most bizarre story in the NFL in recent memory is how Cam Newton all of a sudden became a grandmother.
  5. I'm honestly not surprised at the lack of comments. I was one of the biggest LeBron fans there was. But it goes against narrative for the SJW's of the board to comment here and expose themselves as frauds. LeBron is a hypocrite. He stands for nothing.
  6. Gary, can I call you Gary? Thanks. Now listen up, @peaceout. Your shtick is old and tired. Do you ever self evaluate? Do you ever say to yourself, "My name is@Q-baby! and I may just have a troubling psychosis"? I think you'd find if you did some introspection, you'd be much happier. Be the best @McGee Return TD you can be.
  7. Where did this offense occur? Have you considered...
  8. None of the woke OTW/TSW people have touched the topic in the NBA thread. Not surprising.
  9. There's your first mistake. Expecting people to be logical. In reality, the optics of 5% just looks really cheap. Drivers will hate you.
  10. They're definitely gonna ***** with your food if you ever order there again. At the least you'll be the lowest priority delivery.
  11. Hopefully Bron discusses this issue and gives his support for Hong Kong on the next episode of The Shop. ?
  12. The game is being played in China right now. Hmmm... weird. I guess they do know how to just shut up and dribble.
  13. Isn't it the sound from Cloverfield or some alien invasion movie?
  14. Like the guy who calls nothing but net in a game of HORSE and then after he banks it in he expects you to know he meant just make it. "Look bro. Obviously that shot still counts cus it went in."
  15. Spot on. I love the math that somehow leads them to having 40 points even though the missed td's and fg's were on the same drives.
  16. I just checked a Titans forum. Based on that, I'd say the games balls should go to... 1. The refs for taking 3 td's away from them and other penalties which caused the need for 4 fg's. 2. The league office in NY for wanting the Bills to win so badly they purposely got the call wrong on the past the line of scrimmage play. 3. Santos https://gotitans.com/threads/titans-7-bills-14.102168/ Some beautiful nonsense in there.?
  17. On the bright side, at least everybody will finally know the truth after watching it.?‍♂️
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