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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Just me and my dad this year. Dinner at 2 and then Bills football and...
  2. This is what makes me think the Bills will be up for this game. After two straight blowouts, they're still 7.5 point dogs. With the makeup of this roster and how most have a chip on their shoulder, I believe they will feast on the lack of respect and pull out the win.
  3. Thanks. I know. He dodged in his response and I was proving a point.
  4. Why should an innocent person apologize for anything? If Rudolph didn't say it, he should hold firm. Good PR stunt could actually make him seem guiltier to some people. "Only reason he's doing this is cus he did it.!" - you'll see this everywhere
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LkItLltXb/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Goku Allen
  6. The lot behind Kettles Korner has allowed buses before when I have tailgated there. It's a little further down the Abbott, but not much. I don't know if you'd need a reservation or not, but you could always give em a ring to see if they're available. https://kettles-korner-formerly-kettles-north.business.site/
  7. I always just assumed he had the nickname "Smoke" cus he gets after it with some Marb Reds or something. ?‍♂️
  8. This thread had so much potential.
  9. Very rational...you're so cancelled!
  10. They NAILED IT with this week's episode.
  11. Your first paragraph was spot on. They were screaming at each other in the kitchen. There were 2 of us in store waiting for our orders. The woman who took my order forgot to fill it. Just started playing on her phone. I had to ask if they were waiting on chicken or something and she just apologized and said she forgot.
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