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Everything posted by LB3

  1. This is a really good point. When things are going badly for left, he almost always steps on his own dick by tweeting or doing something stupid and it changes the narrative. Just the opposite when things are going good for the left. What if...Trump is just trolling ALL of us???
  2. Dodge. Side note. Meatballs are way tastier than cookies. Teach that kid how to get fat deliciously!
  3. In one breath you say that we shouldn't dismiss her voice just because she's a teen. In the next you say that she's simply a kid yelling and that we as adults should just ignore her. Which is it? She is a willing puppet for a bull#### movement . She is a grifter. She deserves all the mockery and disdain.
  4. She's just like David Hogg. They both accepted their roles as bull#### peddlers and were championed as thought leaders who adults should listen to. She lost her status as an innocent child when she took up that mantle. She's a tool that can be mocked.
  5. Am I missing something here? Is there a controversy or is it just basically that she should be proud as a mother to have three children playing in the same game?
  6. The Bills offense is better than the Steelers offense. The Bills defense is better than the Steelers defense.
  7. It's amazing to me that some people think we are likely to lose to a 3rd string QB. This defense. Losing to a 3rd string QB.
  8. Bush league with no positive potential outcome. When their QB breaks his legs and his career mirrors RG3's, I wonder if people will still think this play was cool.
  9. I have all packages delivered to my office now. Too many things stolen when delivered to my place.
  10. They're really running this again. https://news.yahoo.com/what-happens-if-trump-loses-in-2020-and-refuses-to-leave-140639064.html
  11. We've had 1 bad game this year. The Eagles. Patriots and Browns were disappointing, but we could have easily won both. The growth this team has shown since Cleveland has been awesome. Three straight blowouts. One over a division rival which usually makes it a tougher game. One against "the best 3-7 team ever." One on vs a good roster on Thanksgiving against the darlings in their place.. At home, the Ravens should be scared of us. I'll be surprised if we lose.
  12. Finishing a grapefruit juice and vodka now. Dinner at 1. Shenanigans the rest of the day. Let's go Bills!
  13. I'm gonna guess that having him as the unquestioned starter all offseason helped them to get with his style of play better. Plus having better linemen doesn't hurt.
  14. One of my favorite plays Singletary made Sunday was the block on Von Miller on this Allen scramble. He could have blown him up. He opted to get the block without potentially hurting Miller or hurting the team with a penalty. Respect.
  15. I'd never heard of "chicked". That was a hilarious Google. ?
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