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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Dunning–Kruger effect.
  2. RIP. Prayers sent for your family in these trying times.
  3. That photo immediately made me think of this...
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-24/trump-s-handling-of-coronavirus-approved-by-60-in-gallup-poll-k86e29ot "Bizarro world" also known as...ya know... the world.
  5. Hey buddy. I couldn't respond to you on OTW cus you you couldn't keep your feelings in check. I ❤️ you though.
  6. That's because you are limited in brain function. Good luck little guy.
  7. Awww.. you're adorable.
  8. Mine was there. After yours got deleted. @Hapless Bills Fan just didn't like me adding context which I totally get. They wanted a fact based only thread. I only added context.
  9. You're cool. You responded to my rational thought in the OTW thread and got yourself and me deleted. I hope you can control yourself here.
  10. Do you want me to prove it, princess?
  11. Yours do. I've tried to respond to your comment multiple times. Keep doing you mouthbreather. Your feelings are important.
  12. You can't post rationally on the main boards without getting deleted. I'm sure your takes are super rational though. ??
  13. Can you please provide me a link an article that describes the slush fund you're referring to? I haven't seen anything about it.
  14. Jake Sherman @JakeSherman A bit of a clap back from republicans. 9:52 AM · Mar 23, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
  15. So I haven't been able to get to the store at the right time to get toilet paper for the last three weeks and it was getting close to crunch time. I went at 7am today to try to find some and there was one package left. Someone took a video of me walking out of the store...
  16. These are stressful times. Prayers sent for you and yours.
  17. The president of my company just notified everyone of this today. I'm luckily one of the essential few. The faces on everyone else was tough to say the least. Our owner is a great man who is going to pay full wage and benefits for 30 days to everyone not working, but everyone's face dropped when "30 days" and not indefinitely was said. Everyone thought they were protected. We aren't in the most at risk businesses. We are paid by the DOJ and the SEC. It was a tough day. LAMP time. I'm not rich. Lived in a shithole for the last ~12 years while I paid extra to eliminate my student loans and all other debt. I'm now doing well and live in a much nicer place. I plan on giving all of any stimulus I receive to the girls at my local watering hole to help them through. I'm a regular. I have no family nearby and they know that and always tell me I'm welcome in their homes on holidays and such if I need a place to go. The kindness is amazing. They go above and beyond for me and think nothing of it. I want to do the same for them now. I can afford it. They may not be able to. I'm not one to tell anyone else what to do with their money. Usually the exact opposite. I just hope people with the means remember the people who give nothing but kindness while asking for nothing in return who could use help in these tough times.
  18. Im guessing O'Brien watched Hopkins on Hard Knocks if he thought this.
  19. What brand of gin?
  20. The ESPNU in my area has been playing Syracuse Basketball classics.
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