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Everything posted by LB3

  1. It's nice to see I'm not the only fan still riding the optimism train.
  2. Milliner hasn't been good. But I will forever love Tavon Austin for without him we would probably never gotten Kiko.
  3. Agreed. Although I will admit that when Colin Brown was starting I would have personally begged Levitre to come back.
  4. I can't find the stats now being at work and not knowing exactly where to find the them but I seem to remember us perpetually being near the top of the league in cap space availability since the end of our golden days. Another poster is right that it could be due to bad management decisions or players not wanting to come or stay here. Such as letting talent go rather than paying them (i.e. Winfield, Greer, Clements...maybe we are just really averse to paying db's). It has just seemed like we were always hesitant to jump into the fray for top level talent (until Mario) and maybe it is a misconception on my part that it was him being stingy. It was hard not to think so always having that extra cap room. I believe that the new CBA will no longer allow teams to save money through the cap because they are required to use 88.8% of the cap and 90% in the future. But as I said before. Thank you Ralph.
  5. I agree. But doesn't it seem a little weird. He's been stingy with his pocket book for so long. Just this offseason he opted to not make use of the NFL's new 85% sellout rule. Now he's guaranteed two sellouts this year. It feels like a weekend at bernies situation where someone else is controlling him and making his decisions. Either way, thank you and God bless you Ralph.
  6. SJ gave the team a serious discount as a #1 WR. He gets paid like a very good #2. A better example of a player getting #1 WR money and seriously under performing would be Mike Wallace. SJ - 5yrs/36 mil Mike Williams - 6 yrs/40 mil Brian Hartline - 5 yrs/30 mil Aqua Boldin - 4yrs/28 mil
  7. I like that Brandon lodged the complaint. It looks to me like a move that Phil Jackson liked to pull leading into the playoffs. Go to the league (or media) and criticize the officials for how Kobe was being abused by defenders. He would get fined but come playoff time he didn't mind because the officials had it in the back of their minds and the smaller fouls they were letting go before would now get called. This ensures that they'll be careful when scheduling us next year.
  8. It's just as much about how little I think of Holmes. He is as crippled as Stevie but his best days are far in the past. SJ has been the only receiver in recent years to get the better of Revis regularly. He is lacking from a speed standpoint but his route running is best in the league in my opinion.
  9. Every position except RB? Really? Take out how jaded the Bills have made us and it is much closer. QB - Even. Anyone that says Geno is definitely better is grasping at air. Go on a Jets fan board sometime. You'll see they hate him as much as most of our fans hate EJ after he loses them a game their defense put them in a position to win every other week. RB - Us. Agree with you there. It's no contest. WR - Us. We're more talented than them. Stephen Hill is a tall TJ Graham. Speedy but can't catch. Holmes and Stevie are about even. Robert Woods is better than Kerley. Goodwin has more upside than Nelson. And I loved Nelson. TE - Even. I'd say Chandler but it could be the homer in me. And I haven't seen enough of Cumberland. OL - Us. We're solid everywhere except LG. We could do better than Pears at RT but he's not bad. Their OL is suspect outside of Ferguson and the shell of his former self Mangold. DL - Them. This is close cus we have a solid group but they are a better D so any case I'd make for us doesn't hold water. LB - Them. Moats and Bradham hold us back. I should give this to us because I'm afraid Kiko will find out I picked them and decide I don't deserve to breathe anymore and who am I to disagree with the Legend. CB - Even. A lot of our fans disagree on Gilmore otherwise I'd say us. Milliner has been a huge disappointment for them. The only thing Cromartie does better than play corner is forget some of his 237 kids' names'. Leo had been a beast this year and so has Robey. Safety - Us. No question. Special Teams - Has to be them. I'd say we're about even. The only thing that will matter though will be QB play. Whichever QB plays better and makes less mistakes will win the game. GO BILLS!
  10. The media isn't pointing the finger at Hackett because unlike us, they aren't emotionally attached and therefore have a better ability to look at all factors that we ignore because it's been the same thing for years. Playing with 3 different qbs through 10 games is tough on any coordinator, let alone a rookie coordinator. Look at the other teams with back up qbs playing. None are doing well with the exception being Philly but he was challenging for the starting job in preseason. Just look at the Packers. Three weeks ago they were Super Bowl contenders. Rodgers goes down and all of a sudden their defense sucks and their offensive scheme is crap. Those are just the breaks. No matter what, i love this team. If i didn't, I'd stop watching. Go Bills!
  11. Thankfully you have no input on what decisions this team makes or we'd be 0 - 16 every year. I know it's just exaggeration but over 90%??? Wow. If you can't see that we have a lot of talent and are just missing a couple key elements, namely healthy and consistent QB play, then I guess we aren't watching the same team. I understand your frustration though. I don't get the love for Manziel as an NFL QB. He's a great college QB with horrible off the field issues. He is a tiny QB who floats the ball. NFL corners will eat up his passes all day. Also, it would amaze me if he could ever make it through one season without being injured. EJ has been injured, and he has the size to take a beating. And if he doesn't get injured, the kid seems to be a meat head when he has too much time on his hands. Suspensions seem as likely as injuries. Maybe I'm wrong. If we do draft him, it will be funny a year from now seeing the same people calling for a new qb after he gets 6 starts and we KNOW he'll never possibly get better.
  12. No. I got your point. I think they are wrong. You simply asked for one reason they should, I provided a few. Go Bills!
  13. . 1. NE 55 Pitt 31 2. Jets are schizophrenic. 3. Pitt lost to Minnesota a few weeks ago as well. 4. Roethlisberger can't throw from his back. Which is where he'll be all day. 5. Pitts D isn't nearly as opportunistic as the Chiefs. No comparison. Chiefs +15 to differential. Steelers -11 ... better luck next time.
  14. Let's see... 1. We are a better team than them and most these players and coaches weren't the ones losing there. 2. They are 31st in the league against the rush and we are 7th in rushing. 3. We have one of the best d lines in football and their o line stinks and can't run or pass block.
  15. "Actually, I remember a lot of people on HERE complaining about our CB depth, but I don't recall it being a National conversation." Sadly, I watch NFL Network coverage year round and I can only remember negative talk unless it was about Gilmore. Can't really blame them but still.
  16. They know nothing other than we must be the same old lowly Bills cus of our record and they are still Pittsburgh despite their record. It makes it all the better when they have to eat crow.
  17. Remember how horrible most analysts (national and local) thought our CB depth was going into the season? That was before Gilmore even got hurt. It's starting to look now like we could have one of the better entire defensive back fields in the league. Let's start from the top. Gilmore - Hasn't played many games, but it looks like this kid could be a shutdown corner for years. He had the bad play against Mike Wallace and a bad half against Bowe, other than those games he's been great. 2 games with no yards given up. That's impressive. McKelvin - Now that he's playing a lot more press coverage he has improved a ton. You can see his confidence level is so much higher than years past. He's physical and can stay step for step with anyone. He could be a legit number one on quite a few teams. Robey - If he wasn't 5'7 I think he'd be talked about as one of the best rookie corners in the league. The guy is like glue on the receiver. What he lacks in size he makes up for in instinct and quickness. He diagnoses so quick and we will see him get his hands on more balls this year. Brooks - Remains to be seen. Has shown flashes of good and bad. As a 4th CB option I think he is pretty solid. A. Williams - WOW. What a turnaround for this kid. He gets overlooked because of Mario and The Legend but he could be in consideration as this teams d mvp. He's done everything asked of him, and he's done it well. He's gotten burned as corner a few times but he's played markedly better there than in previous seasons. He's got some ball hawk in him. He can cover any guy on their team from #1 wr to te. As a safety he's a beast. Byrd - Pro bowl talent. I don't care about the holdout or the injury. I really hope he stays. Searcy,Leonard - Name a team that has back up safeties that can pay that well. This team should have a bright future and the db's will be a big part of it. Just wanted to show these guys some love.
  18. Can't completely disagree with this. I like Chandler because he makes some incredibly tough catches at times but he also had a tendency to blow some easy plays at really inopportune times. I'd also like to see what Gragg's got as a receiving option. His measurables are impressive and he's been seeing more snaps recently.
  19. I couldn't agree with Fredex more.
  20. I know he pulled a hamstring but I'm hoping it's not serious. Every time he gets on the field he seems to do something good. Not only can he get unbelievable separation, but he also looks to have really sure hands. (See his leaping catch on an overthrow vs New Orleans). I've also noticed that even though he's a smaller receiver height wise he seems to be one of the better blocking wrs. I think with Woods and Stevie we could have one of the more exciting young promising wr cores in the league. I hate piling on Graham but we'd be better off with Goodwin getting the lions share of the wr3 reps.
  21. Leinarts Bills stats: 3/10. 11 yds. 2 int....I don't care how long you are with a team. That is awful. Especially since you're an experienced player.
  22. Ok. But that is also why That Lewis is currently our back up. Once again, Tuel is a 3rd stringer. Relax. He does certain things well. Yes, his arm is weak. But he wasn't scared of the moment when he was actually prepared and he will learn from his mistakes because he's a smart qb. Writing someone off on 1 1/2 bad games is crazy. And throw the college record out. It was Wash St. playing in the Pac 12. Also, there's ABSOLUTELY no basis for saying they would be "MUCH" better options. No basis for that.
  23. Hahaha. I thought you were serious for a second when I first read your response. You must be joking. I guess you like backup qbs who are proven failures rather than young qbs with potential. By the way, Leinart was with us and he made Tuel look like Montana. Also, V Young was putrid for us last year. Young is a shell of what he once was. Which is why he's not on a team. Carr is a concussion case who got beat out by Curtis Painter!. I thought Leftwich was in a museum in Pittsburg or Jax somewhere. And Quinn has always been awful. Just ask Tebow.
  24. Now take your response and change out Jeff Tuel and insert Kevin Kolb. And if you think there were better options in free agency when we lost Kolb I'd love for you to educate me on that. Also. I'd like for you to provide the stats for Green Bays third string qb. I'll concede that even though Tuel is actually the 4th string qb that because he started the season as Manuels de facto back up due to Kolbs injury he is 3rd string.
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