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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Thanks for the education on "realism" and statistics. Maybe you are right. This team will certainly struggle in our remaining games if Losman can't start hitting on something other than deep balls. And hopefully Nick Barnett won't continue to be a liability out there. Congrats on patting yourself on the back as well.
  2. Firstly - Huh? Secondly - Try not to compare two sports that have nothing in common. I'm sure Jack would have hummed a different tune if he was used to serene golfing and had to play with people screaming in his backswing every shot.
  3. What we need to know? Please enlighten on how the teams of years past have any effect on this year's team. Good thing no one told the Colts 2012 team that because the Colts 2011 team was awful that that meant that they could not change and had to be bad. I REALLY wish someone had told the Pats way back in 2001 that they were not supposed to be super bowl contenders because aside from 1997, they hadn't been since the mid 80's.
  4. Good point on the chemistry. I can understand people like yourself not liking SJ as a number one. I disagree, but it's a fair opinion. I just don't get those that hate him like he personally wronged them. I also think with Woods and now Goodwin emerging, we have a very promising WR core that can get it done. Maybe none of them will ever be a good number one in a lot of people's eyes, but they all look like they could be dominant 2's and I think that would be more than enough. I also think Goodwin could become a Desean Jackson type #1. Below is a great quote from him that was on BuffaloBills.com: "Over the course of the games I have played I have seen DBs start to back up, so hopefully I'm gaining a little respect. If I'm not I will," said Goodwin. "Eventually everybody will respect me." That last line gives me chills. This kid has confidence and a chip on his shoulder. That's a great recipe for success.
  5. It's hard to understand the vitriol for our best receiver of the last 4 years. A guy who by what I've seen and read is a good and generous member of the community. A star (I accept many will disagree on his star status) that WANTED to stay in Buffalo and help return our beloved Bills to greatness. He's done it with inconsistency at QB which has to be incredibly tough. I love SJ and his passion for this team, and I hope he retires a Bill. That said, a small part of me hopes he gets traded to the Pats and Brady makes him look like the best WR of all time.
  6. This is an easy distinction. Sliding into a shortstop: The worst case scenario is a broken leg. Sliding down a rail in the upper deck: The worst case scenario is landing on and killing one or more people. Unless this is the best pick up softball league ever, it won't be on TV and therefore won't be bad PR for the company. He would most likely be kicked out of the league and hopefully punched in the face but not fired. And to all the people who say we all make mistakes, that is true but not a valid excuse. A normal mistake is like forgetting to pick someone up at the airport. It takes an exceptional idiot to do what this man did.
  7. You say everyone cites one game against Revis, while mentioning that he dropped the most important catch of the game. They aren't referring to one game. Stevie has squared off against Revis 3 times and he's done better against Revis than most of the other dominant receivers. His numbers: 3 rec, 83 yards 8 rec, 75 yards, 1 td 4 rec, 55 yards, 1 td Now these aren't incredible but when you look at how other dominant receivers have done, it is fair to say Stevie has been one of the most successful. It seems like you are doing the exact same thing you are criticizing others for. You say he vanishes in critical moments and drops key passes regularly. For arguments sake, other than the one drop in the Jets game you mentioned and the obvious Pittsburgh drop, what other critical drops has he had? None specifically come to mind for me.
  8. Thanks for the post. It was the first game that it looked like he was really letting his guys make plays on deep balls. It also looked like he wasn't guiding his short throws as much either. He said that he was trusting his reads a lot more and just letting it rip, and it showed. This bye week now seems like a gift and a curse. The team needs the rest, but it would have been nice if he could have kept rolling without another layoff.
  9. I guess if you only look at the records alone that sucks. I'd argue that the Colts 7-3 is a lot more impressive than the Chiefs 9-1. Colts quality wins - Denver, Seattle, SF. Chiefs quality wins - Philly....Buffalo?
  10. Yeah. That's on me. I realized that after I went to find the example and saw the quote again. I already edited the post. After the second Byrd int they forced a punt. He threw the pick six to Searcy on the next drive. He played one more 3 and out drive after that. He never saw the 4th quarter.
  11. I deleted the game after my second watch but I believe it was after Byrd's second pick with around 4-5 minutes to go in the third quarter. They would have been down 20. The game was almost out of reach but not entirely. Regardless of the situation, he is a rookie, and rookies should never just wave coaches away like that. I take that back, they can't wave them away unless it's in a "It's cool coach, I'm OK" manner in regards to an injury or an inquiry about their mental state. Even in that situation though body language matters. "Imagine if EJ looked pissed on the sidelines after a bad game and I said he wasn't a leader. You'd say I was looking at it in a vacuum and that I am insane." Good point. That would be and has been my exact reaction.
  12. You denigrate others' opinions based on your belief that I (we) are only able to have "Bills fan" opinions. Well then, based on your posts on this thread alone, you must be a "Geno apologist". Let me break down the fallacies of your reply. First, you talk of assumptions while assuming that we only dislike Geno because we are Bills fans. In actuality, your assumption is much worse because, where as I only know the little I've seen of him for the past 3 years, you know nothing about me. Here are some facts about me: 1. I don't have a favorite college team, so when I saw him pouting on the sidelines in college during losses, I disliked what I saw. Must just be me being a "Bills fan". 2. I love hockey and bball, but my second favorite "sport" is offseason football. I watch every bit of pre draft analysis I can find. When I saw Geno on Gruden's QB Camp, I didn't like his defensive body language when being criticized. In order, my favorite 3 were Ej, Nassib, and Wilson and my least favorite were Bray, Geno, and Glennon. I also listened to a lot of what the insiders said. There was a lot of talk prior to the draft about how Geno wasn't a leader and always liked to pass blame to others when things didn't go right. The same things were said about RG3 pre draft, and that is starting to look true now as well. Then there was the draft. After not getting drafted in the 1st round, he wanted to leave cus he "should have been the first QB taken". I guess that is just myself and all of those analysts and insiders being "Bills fans". Fast forward to the offseason and training camp. Every year, Sanchez holds a "Jets West" camp for all of the players on the team to come together and work out and work on routes and such when actual organized team activities aren't allowed. Geno didn't go. This created controversy. When asked, Sanchez said that of course Geno was welcome, that all players were welcome. When after that they interviewed Geno, he said something to the effect of "He didn't specifically invite me." Later in training camp, former WVU teammates came out saying that Geno wasn't a good leader and that he never took responsibility for things. An anonymous coach for WVU said the same thing (I know anonymous quotes are for cowards but still). They must have been "Bills fans". 3. I am a Bills fan. So when you bring up Brady in a comparison to how Geno acts, I couldn't possibly defend him. But alas, I am. It is ludicrous for you to compare the actions of Brady to those of Geno. On one point, you are right. Brady does rip into his teammates. Geno doesn't, he pouts. As for it being a double standard, it damn well should be. Last I checked, Brady has been to 5 Super Bowls, winning three. Geno has zero. Brady is the longest tenured player on the Patriots, Geno is one of the shortest. Brady is only used to winning, Geno has not had the chance yet. I guess that's just me being a "Bills f...", err Pats fan. 4. I sadly watch every Bills game twice. Once emotionally, once objectively. I saw the incident I referenced a few times. He didn't glance and see the sheets, he just pushed them away. To your point of him possibly having the plays memorized and having recognized them, thus not needing to look. WOW. If my QB is playing that poorly and making such awful decisions, I couldn't possibly believe he recognized any of it. Lastly I'll say this, my eyes see what they see even if you try to explain it by calling it a "Bills fan" opinion. Say what you want, I'll hold to my axiom. If someone craps in my hand and guarantees me it's chocolate, I'm still not eating it.
  13. I don't know if it qualifies as leadership but I sure am glad our QB doesn't pout like a child on the sidelines in front of his teammates when things don't go well for him. A prime example of this was after one of his interceptions. One of the Jets coaches walked over to the bench, where Geno was pouting, with printouts of what I'm assuming were pictures of the coverage on the int. Rather than look at them to see what he was seeing in the coverage that confused him, he pushed the printouts away and the coach just walked away. Most QB'S immediately want to see those printouts so that they don't make the same mistake (see Brees, Brady, Manning to name a few). Regardless of whether or not that constitutes leadership, I don't want that type of player on my team.
  14. Gilmore has had 2 games where he allowed 0 yards. Against Bowe he had a bad first half but adjusted and shut him down in the second half. Against the Jets I only remember 1 catch given up. Were there more?
  15. I would say it's a good thing if it's a pick your poison type situation. They do seem to be going at Gilmore this year, which could be due to not being 100% yet. How many catches did Gilmore give up yesterday? I only remember 1 for 33 yards to Holmes. Also, completely agree on Robey. He looks like a 1st round corner (based on his play and not his size) and we got him undrafted. It's nice to be the team that finds the gem and doesn't have to worry about how their scouting could be so wrong on a guy. I know we passed on him every round too, but we got him in the end.
  16. I love this coach. From most of the pressers and interviews I've seen of him, accountability sounds like it is a big thing for him. It seems like he really values the input and leadership from our team captains too. It helps that they all appear to be highly respected veterans that off the field are stand up guys and on the field are giving as much if not more effort than anyone. When I think of Kyle and Fred, and how hard they play week in and week out regardless of injury, it's hard to think that that the younger guys on the team don't see it and that it doesn't rub off on them. If the wins keep coming, belief in the coaches and each other will only continue to grow.
  17. I really wish Leo didn't go out in the first series when we played the Jets the first time. He could have made a huge difference. I agree with your point that pressure helps corners as it definitely does, but that goes both ways. Take away receivers and the d line has more time to get the QB. Luckily, both of our units seem pretty solid to this point in the season.
  18. This kid deserves a ton of credit for how he's played. He's been incredible. He looks more confident than he ever has. He's always been able to stay step for step with anyone but couldn't locate the ball well enough to defense the pass. He is now locating the ball really well. He hits like a truck too. When we signed him to his new contract it seemed like a lot for a guy who was a great returner and an average corner. Well I am now ecstatic that they did make that deal because this scheme fit's his press man ability perfectly. He's even played better than Gilmore. Pairing him with Gilmore (once fully healthy and acclimated) and Robey at corner and Williams and Byrd (please sign him long term next year FO) at safety I think we could challenge Seattle for the best defensive backfield in the league.
  19. Write in vote here. Hackett had a great game against one of the best defensive minds in the NFL. As far as players go I'd have to go with EJ. Glad he didn't give up on himself. That's a quality I love about him. He seems to let things roll off of him. Much better than Geno's pouty sideline demeanor.
  20. Having never given up on him after six games like a lot of people, it's nice seeing what he can do with more than 3 days to practice coming off an injury that had him out for a month. He was starting to look good in the Cleveland game before he got injured. I would classify this as a great game by him. Bad weather conditions. Down his top two receivers. No running game. Those are all reasons for a rookie qb to lose and he got us a big win against a hated rival. Great game by the d too. I'd say great complete game but ST were awful. Regardless. Days like today are what keep me coming back despite games like the last two weeks. GO BILLS!!!
  21. Is that when the front office decided or you? I can't fault a kid for trying to show the media and fans that he can't be rattled so easily so he makes jokes but maybe you can. Do you honestly think he was being serious?
  22. I think he's better than everyone in that group but that is not my point. The poster said he gets paid #1 Wr money and he doesn't. He gets paid what a really good #2 Wr gets paid.
  23. Are you sure you aren't a Jets fan? Granted, I realize I probably have some NFL form of Stockholm syndrome but they are no where near as good as the Patriots (I hate both teams). How is signing an old, injury prone, ex difference maker that was so bad this year he got benched a good thing? All the way. Maybe. If you are referring to Rex going all the way to the end of the unemployment line then I agree with you. J E T S Suck Suck Suck! Go Bills
  24. Legit contender? Really? Not so much. Their win over the Saints was impressive but they are garbage. They should have lost to Tampa Bay if not for the dumbest play in league history. They beat us before but they will not be having a repeat performance of that unless Justin Rogers knocks out Gilmore before the game and steals his jersey and sneaks onto the field. They have a great d but that's it. Geno will never be a good qb. I don't see the promise you do unless promise is being terrible every other game. I know EJ has underwhelmed but he's only had one terrible game. Geno loves playing terrible.
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