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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Actually it would be like us playing Graham, Goodwin and either Spiller or Jackson (whoever you believe our #2 is because Todman is their #2). But why let facts get in the way of your point.
  2. Beat Miami. I will always hate them. They are our rival in my mind.
  3. Up 7 with 2 minutes to go and the team we're playing has no timeouts. Yep. Let's pass and risk the interception instead of making them TIE us. Smart...Idiots.
  4. Don't forget Aaron Williams. Gave us 3 points and took 7 off the board for them.
  5. Terrible td drive called by Hackett. Grab the pitchforks!
  6. Put off shoveling my car out til tomorrow morning......regret it tomorrow morning when I'm shoveling at 5:30 in order to be to work by 8.
  7. Ok. So to be a fan that cares if we win you have to be negative. Gotcha. No point in continuing this.
  8. I don't like the Bucs comparisons. The Bucs were talented underachievers. I don't think the Jags have anywhere near the talent level that the Bucs have. The Bucs have stars on offense and defense and some thought they were a playoff team heading into the year. The Jags have Jones Drew. Shorts is decent but I think they're both injured. Their wins aren't that impressive either though there isn't much that I wouldn't give to be able to beat other garbage teams like they have. I do believe the Bills will win this week. I'm looking for a good bounce back game from EJ so he can attempt to silence the naysayers for a week. I'm realistic though. I know that even if he does have a good game, TBD will still be bombarded with the "he only did well because they played Jacksonville" or "where was it when we were still playing for something" posts. In any event... GO BILLS!
  9. I like McCarron but I'm against drafting him (or any QB this year for that matter) anywhere before round 5 and I doubt that someone won't have picked him by the end of the 3rd round if not much earlier. I just think our early picks could be used better. Stud WR, upgrade guard or tackle or both, upgrade LB (get Kiko a wingman). I'd love to see Mettenberger slide to the 6th or 7th because of what some might view as questionable character issues and the injury which will sideline him for at least the entire offseason. I think he had the best arm talent of all the QB'S I've seen this year. It could be a low risk high reward scenario because it would give the Bills more time to evaluate EJ while possibly having a legit option for the future already on the team if EJ doesn't pan out.
  10. Hey! How dare you say th.... Alright. That's fair.
  11. Very insightful. Thank you for letting me know that my sarcastic assessment of the overreaction of late on this board is an indication that I don't think they should do something in the offseason. (P.s. I think that we should try to find a veteran back up type to push and mentor EJ, not another rookie.) I guess that's my "not retarded" view. By the way, while some could find that not offensive, I suspect you either didn't think about that or don't care because you are not educated.
  12. Sarcasm. I accidently submitted before I had finished. Try reading again.
  13. Maybe you've missed the last month on this board. Let me catch you up. EJ sucks and there's no possible way he'll ever be good. It's science. We need to draft a QB every year until our rookie QB has the greatest statistical season ever capped off by a Super Bowl win.... hmm. Now that I think about it. If he wins the Super Bowl his rookie year it's probably all downhill after that so we might need to consider drafting a QB then as well. I'll have to get back to you on this.
  14. Probably because QB'S touch the ball nearly every snap. So he was too much of a liability for how important of a position he plays. Stevie messes up at some very bad times, that's inarguable, but not nearly as consistently as Fitzy did. Also, Fitzy refused the pay cut. We'll see what happens if they approach SJ about it.
  15. I'm sorry but it's funny that you think I'm being defensive. I've had the Stevie fight on this board before. I understand people feel differently. I'm ok with it. Some people aren't.
  16. Disagreeing with my opinion, which you are, and not understanding my opinion, which he is, is not exactly the same thing. He wanted my reasoning. I gave it. He didn't like it... That's his problem. Btw. He is doing a fine job. If his job is stating the same thing over and over.
  17. Thanks for the input. You could be wrong about me but I guess we'll never know.
  18. His comments will be interpreted in whatever way it helps a specific person's agenda. If a team says they beat themselves (accountability), they're basically saying that the other team played no part in the win. Right? Also, you don't need to put quotations on a word ("kid") to accentuate what i'm guessing is your point which is "that they're not kids" if I didn't use that word. That whole sentence was a nightmare by the way.
  19. What speaks louder? Action or words? Also, I took his comment as him giving credit to the defender for making a good play rather than not owning up. I didn't see the INT comment. Can you provide an exact quote or a link?
  20. I don't put as much stock into his interviews as others. It's watching him pout and look disinterested at points in games that is disturbing to me. Sets a bad example for our young WR core.
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