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Everything posted by LB3

  1. ? I mean, as a business, it's their right. That said, it's gonna be a shitshow. Store employee: "Sir. You can't enter without a mask." Customer: "Excuse me, but did you just assume my gender?" Store employee: "My mistake. Please enjoy your shopping experience."
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/LevineJonathan/status/1265457578215124995/photo/4
  3. That's objectively a bad photoshop job.
  4. As a side dish, I'm addicted to grilled zucchini. Just quarter and marinate it in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper for a few hours before grilling. Goes great with a 17.99/lb quarantine priced New York Strip.
  5. Leave Timmy alone! You're lucky he even performed for you bastards!
  6. Clay has been great on this (and most other things).
  7. Gotta hear both sides here. Who are we to judge them? How do we know that the guns they had weren't just there for social distancing protection? If I had to guess, some people got within six feet and they calmly admonished them with their guns. Then, as punishment, they took their watches and money with the promise that it would be returned to them at the end of the week after they'd had time to think about their unsafe actions.
  8. ? This guy is amazing. From the start his extreme hyperbole has been outstanding. Did you know he wears a mask 250,000 times more than the average Joe? ? He could very easily be a troll, but he seems too emotionally invested in his terrible takes. Which to me begs the question...
  9. Just from the Chinese Flu? No comorbidities? Weird. Please provide a link.
  10. @plenzmd1 If I remember correctly, you enjoy these as much as I do. The comments and edits are hilarious, but nothing beats the funeral bearers in video 2.
  11. Roberts talking the effect on Agriculture. This needs to be a huge part of the conversation.
  12. Warren is just awful. Pushing back to be closed until fall.
  13. Was just about to post the exact same sentiment.
  14. Don't ask me. I don't monitor my totally real daughter's internet history.
  15. That's funny. My totally real, definitely not made up for an anecdotal story three year old daughter asked me a question after dinner last night. She said to me, "Daddy, I've finished poring over the available data. Even with the inclusion of comorbidities inflating the number of deaths by the Chinese Flu, it seems as though we're still pretty close to the average yearly death rate. Millions of people have had irreparable harm done to their lives. All the data suggests that the fear mongering and mask shaming is illogical. I weep for the number of people who will be lost from death by despair, or as I like to think of it, death by lockdown. Since if you die during lockdown, you die because of lockdown. Will Americans live in fear forever? Are all adults complete kitties like your internet acquaintance, SectionC3?" To which I smiled, patted her on the head and said , "Shut up, honey. I'm trying to watch The Last Dance. Tell your totally not made up mother to bring me another Sapphire gimlet." From the mouths of babes indeed...
  16. Hmm. Maybe the strong ones I made on Tuesday are what make you seem so weak. ??‍♂️
  17. No. I'm saying people say things that end up being wrong all the time. He said something. He was wrong. The guy has always exaggerated. Making a statement that doesn't bear out isn't lying. Unless you suffer from TDS.
  18. The other day, one of my co-workers mentioned that Cuomo was scheduled to start laying out in more detail his plan for reopening the state, today. Does anyone know if that's still on the docket? Google hasn't been kind to me.
  19. Read better. He was not correct in his bluster.
  20. "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Presidents make statements that don't bear out all the time. You just don't care when it's a D doing it. Related question. How many fainting couches does President Trump make you go through weekly?
  21. Every time I see people arguing about how much we should let science determine how quickly and freely we let people get back to their normal lives, it reminds me of this scene. "Science is a liar...sometimes"? (Note: This is for levity. I'm not saying science shouldn't be a consideration in determining how quickly the country opens up. Also NSFW - language.)
  22. We should ban all driving during winter due to the threat of potential blizzards flare upd. And f&*$ you if you think your rights are being taken away. It's for the protection of people walking down the street who your car could possibly maybe slide into.
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