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Everything posted by LB3

  1. This is laughable for a couple reasons. First, if you saw no flashes or NFL-grade passes from EJ then you did not watch any of the games he played in or you only saw the Pitt game. Did he float a lot of balls? Yes. Did he wait to see the guy open a majority of the time? Yes. Did he make some really nice throws and show good anticipation on some throws? Yes. Second, since you know that Brees showed the ability to make NFL-grade throws through his early career struggles (and EJ didn't), can you please provide several examples of these throws. Only in his early years mind you. My memory is not as good as yours. I lack the ability to remember individual throws a young Charger made around ten years ago. Either that or I'm not just using blanket statements that could/could not be true to fit my narrative.
  2. I believe Rivers is our best hope of beating the Patriots. I have little faith in Manning and that defense being able to. JMO.
  3. Nice. Fair points. Many on here just have a mob mentality and want to burn the whole thing to the ground which is a little nutty to me.
  4. I deleted my post cus it was immature. The Lord praise was over the top. I read the police reports and it sounded like a Duke lacrosse "lie to ruin a kids life" situation to me but i could be wrong. Angers me to label him on hearsay. You make an interesting point about Kobe and Big Ben.
  5. Where did I defend him in there? The guy sucks. There is nothing you or I can do to change him being our ST coach. I just choose not to be upset over it.
  6. A ton of respect for this post. Most people just disappear if they were proved wrong.
  7. But...but... I've seen in multiple SJ threads that the only thing that matters are clutch plays. Benjamin made those.
  8. Report from the first half of Malzahn saying to his players after going up 21-3: "We're better than them!"...... Yeah. About that.
  9. I think this is a closer representation: Crossman critics: "Waaaahhhhhhhhhhh". Crossman "defenders": "Jesus you guys.... Get a grip."
  10. How will they ever come back from this insurmountable 11 point deficit???
  11. If that was indeed the case, my stance on this matter would drastically change. I have to hope it wasn't. The Crossman retention does concern me WRT what is says about his positron on accountability.
  12. Wait... You must not have seen my post earlier in this thread where I predicted Chris Hogan being NFL MVP in 2014. I agree. I don't think that Hogan will ever be a number one or probably even a number two receiver in this league. I think Rogers could be a legit number one, but I'm not holding my breath. Wasted talent is a routine occurrence. To me, the fact that he didn't get drafted due to negative feedback, paired with the fact that Chris Hogan beat him out on work ethic alone (I just can't think the staff or anyone could say CH is a more talented WR), that it speaks volumes. Maybe he gets his act together and makes us truly regret the move, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it til it happens over the course of more than just one game or one awesome catch.
  13. I agree on different leashes for different people. The example you gave is a good one. You gave your top guy the longest leash, which I agree should be done in situations like that. But this, IMO, wasn't one of those situations. It's not like it is FJ, CJ, or SJ we're taking about, it was a candidate for last spot on the roster. I would not give that guy extra room on his leash. He never earned it and thus doesn't deserve it. I respect your opinion and I want to win games as well, I just think our philosophies differ here.
  14. Nice To your point about posters like myself being dug in. That's a gross overstatement. I recognize Rogers has more physical ability. Big whoop. If the team said he just wasn't the right fit, that could likely be coachspeak for "He's an entitled p.o.s. who thinks he can get by on talent alone while higher skilled, proven veterans still work their ass off. We don't think that kind of person in this locker room is a good thing. Especially since he'll only play in a reserve role." ... Am I making an assumption there? Sure. So are the people who think talent equates guaranteed production. It looks to me like everyone lamenting the loss of Rogers must not care about the coach having integrity. Question. If any of you are/were running a business, would you keep a guy who comes in late all the time and constantly misses deadlines because when he occasionally does do the work on time, it's superb? ... exception would be certain posters who seem to have a weirdly unhealthy hatred for CH.
  15. They should have went with their honorable mention pick for unsung hero. Cordy Glenn.
  16. Did I say "ace"? I guess I'll take a guy willing to play his hardest at a position that's all about heart and effort over a guy who couldn't be bothered to care. He was probably too busy preparing to dominate this league and make us Bills fans rue the day we ever got rid of Da'Rick "the Messiah" Rogers.
  17. If Rogers main job as a #5 or #6 receiver is to play special teams and he was not good at that job or just didn't/couldn't care to learn it, that sounds like a waste of a roster spot. Better WR than CH? Certainly. Higher value to the position he's filling (ST), I don't think so.
  18. Like you're really emotionally invested in an opinion you're wrong on. Have a good night.
  19. Sorry about the quotations. Wrong word grouping marks. And yes. It sounds like the exact same thing.
  20. Well said... Although I guess I'm part of the problem not the solution.
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