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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Man. After watching the Super Bowl completely disappoint, it really makes me appreciate what we just got last night. What a classic! You couldn't write a better start to a rivalry. But it's time to move on. At this point in a season with past teams, I world normally expect a letdown after such a big emotional win, but not with this team. I don't see them getting overconfident and overlooking ND. Especially since they are ex Big East. Plus, this team's makeup is workmanlike. Egoless! Can't wait. Go Cuse!
  2. What a class act. It makes me hope we keep him as a special teamer. Also make me glad I don't have to make those decisions.
  3. Good post. Look at the other side as well. Awful tackling.
  4. Well the Panthers-49ers game was a combustible situation. So yes. But the players weren't in each other's face after every play like that game. I can't speak about guys jumping on piles because nothing sticks out in my mind.
  5. Wasn't attacking here. Just curious because I didn't see the same officiating you did. Edit. There have been a number of games where I would agree, this just wasn't one of them.
  6. Can you provide specific examples? Otherwise your post just comes off as whining. Especially when you extremely overexaggerate by saying half the hits would get flagged. Seattle hits like that in every gene I saw them play in btw.
  7. Was their defense the main reason? Yes. But, their offensive line has been bad and their top two receiving weapons were out almost all year. Without a QB who can scramble well and still keep his eyes downfield so throwing the ball was a threat, they would have been in trouble. Give credit where it is due.
  8. Agreed. I was devastated when we didn't draft him. Granted I was a Wilson homer and still am. Loved watching him at NC State and Wisconsin. I hope EJ can show some big strides and, knock on wood, stay healthy next year.
  9. Agreed. I feel like they are in a good position to at least stay successful as long as Wilson is there. Good player and good kid. You can't ask for more.
  10. Teams these days only have windows to win before big paydays come and blow the teams up. Seattle jumped through that window. Good for them.
  11. Wow. Way to prove me wrong Russell. I guess they would rather push the lead than run the clock out.
  12. Well 184-109=75. So that isn't nothing. Are you blaming their offense for their defense scoring and not giving them an opportunity to play offense? At this point. I wouldn't expect Seattle's offense to do anything cus they should run every down. Run the clock out.
  13. Absolutely WRT Sherman, I'm not really a fan of trash talk, but if trash is talked, I respect when it is backed up.
  14. Not trying to be argumentative but by headcase, do you mean that he has a lot of issues with his head like migraines? Or does he have other issues?
  15. Not a fan of Mars. I've only ever seen him on SNL. The music is meh, but the kid is talented. I like it better than when they drag out the old corpses.
  16. Ummmmm sure. You forget the obvious first down that was challenged by Seattle and somehow upheld. Wilson definitely got it.
  17. Shouldn't you be eating awful food made with Kraft singles right about now?
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