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Everything posted by LB3

  1. This makes me really hope that Ennis' dad convinces him to stick around a year to get stronger and work on his jump shot as has been mentioned during a couple broadcasts. Ennis and Rak seem to have a really good rapport already and it would be great to see them play with a full season of getting used to each other's games under their belts. Edit: I don't know why I do this to myself. Hoping he stays when it just seems so likely that he'll leave. It must be the Bills fan mentality I have ingrained in me that constantly forces me to build up hope and then watch it all come crashing down.
  2. Keita being out is really displaying how much Rak's game is coming together. We lose last night if not for him. Going strong to the rim, rebounding, baseline jumpers, knocking down free throws and unbelievable rim protection. He did it all. FTR. I'll be happy when Keita is back, but Rak is just earning more minutes while he's out and I personally love that he's finally starting to play with confidence and up to his potential.
  3. Glad we won....pissed that they announced the final score on the radio right as I pulled into my driveway because I had it recorded. Still watched. Go USA!
  4. To your first point: Wrong. I'm sure you're either counting potential when you say this or you're giving way too much credit to receivers who have only had one good year so far. To your second point: Maybe you should consult a dictionary here. Who was the one overexaggerating? He earned his contract with three straight 1000 yard seasons. I know you think the 22nd biggest is way too much, I think a lot of people would disagree. Also, at the time he signed his contract, he gave us a hometown discount. Did he earn it last year while injured and getting used to 3 different QB's? No. You got me there. Hindsight is fun isn't it! To your third point: You give credit to Fitz and Chan for allowing him to freelance on his routes, but don't acknowledge that it was because they built that relationship by working together for a couple seasons. Which is something that you think he'll never be able to do with any other QB ever again for some reason. Once again, damn him for not building a better rapport with his continuously healthy QB'S while missing time with his own injuries. If Stevie got traded to the Pats this year, he would put up top 10 receiver numbers, possibly top 5. Anyway, there's no point in arguing with YOU about Stevie any further. You've made it abundantly clear about how you feel about him on and off the field. Have a good day and enjoy your oddly personal hatred for him.
  5. Points 1 & 2 - You're just wrong, plain and simple. There are not 31 better receivers in the league. Hence, he's a number 1. Point 3 - He would have received a bigger contract if he tested free agency. Point 4 - Ahhhh the hyperbole. Wildly overvalued? He's the 22nd highest paid WR in the league. The only people who seem to take this personal are the people who feel the need to seriously overexaggerate how bad he is.
  6. Unbelievable Edit: Not referring to Goodell's salary.
  7. No shock. She was great in Hard Candy. I liked the movie Juno, which is weird because I thought the title character was really annoying.
  8. Watching Arizona lose last night was great. It puts us one step closer to a 1 seed in the tourney. Here is an article giving five things to watch for in today's matchup against NC State: http://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/index.ssf/2014/02/no_1-ranked_syracuse_hosts_north_carolina_state_five_things_to_watch.html
  9. I don't want him back but I still root for him like crazy. All heart and tough as hell. Too bad his arm talent just isn't good enough.
  10. I understand what you're saying, but I just think people get too hung up on the millions part. If you are outperforming everyone you work with, and you are one of the lowest paid people there, wouldn't that really piss you off? If someone put a mic in your face, are you going to continue to toe the company line? In this scenario you would have all the leverage, unlike the real world where they'd probably just can you so you would not have to worry about getting fired. I just don't have a problem with players using media as a bargaining chip. Also, this "game" is their job. Most players put in more hours at their job than most of the normal working class.
  11. It's not your fault.... Edit: This worked in Good Will Hunting so I figured I'd give it a try.
  12. Please show me where I even mentioned the Pitt or Toronto games, let alone said they were hard plays. I eliminated a couple of your Cons using relevance. More Pros: Can beat ANY db in the league. Consistently produces even with subpar QB'ing.
  13. I don't know here. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the most common complaint amongst NFL coaches is having too many quality receivers.
  14. Agree completely. Great guy with the fans and in the community that consistently produces. We definitely don't need that kind of crap on this team.
  15. Johnny Foosball also mentioned having Frito's and Dorito's on his shoulder. It's obvious his mind isn't where it should be if he can't even put chips in his mouth.
  16. First half = Barnball Second half = Touch foul party. If we lost it would have been because of rebounding not officiating. But we didn't. We won because we have the best freshman in the country! Edit: I love that we finally got to see some emotion out of Ennis. It's great that it came on the best play of the season so far. And his post game interview was awesome. They told him that it was the first time Pitt had lost to a top five team at Peterson. His response...A chuckle and then "Ridiculous".
  17. I don't. They're awful I'm shocked Roberson hasn't seen the court yet. Even if foul trouble isn't an issue, Rak should have gotten a little more of a breather.
  18. Agree with most of that. The Maggie-Glen stuff I was referring to was how their scenes last season were, for the most part, the worst part of those episodes. So I was just thinking a whole episode of that would be brutal. Although Maggie is eye candy so... I liked your list, I'd swap out the Governors new family episode because I thought it was a little slow moving. My favorite episode of the series is actually the second episode of Season one where Rick has to battle out from under the tank and he meets Glen and the others and they leave Merle on the roof.
  19. I thought the episode was great. I was surprised when Michonne saw their tracks but decided to go her own way. Absolutely loved when she had the mental breakdown and the result was her going super ninja on the herd of walkers she was with. I'm glad they had her backtrack and find them quickly rather than dragging that out. My only fear in just showing isolated groups each episode is that there are some groups that haven't been as interesting to me. Like Glen and Maggie, their episodes have been hit or miss.
  20. Boeheim said yesterday in his weekly spot on the local radio show that Keita will be a game time decision. Who does everyone want to see get more minutes tonight if Keita can't go and Rak needs rest or gets in foul trouble? Gbinije or Roberson? I would personally want Roberson to get the lions share of minutes at the 3/4 position when Grant moves to center. I wouldn't want to risk the only backup guard that has played important minutes in conference play getting in foul trouble playing SF. I like Patterson, but Pitt isn't the ideal game to see him get his first real exposure in. GO CUSE!
  21. I predict Jeff Tuel wins by running in at the last minute to help EJ and after they shake hands and EJ turns away from him, Tuel grabs a steel chair and it's curtains for EJ.
  22. Fair enough. I believe that it is often used referencing their perceived red skin. But there are various origin stories on it referring to both positive and negative beginnings. One specific telling states that it was the name used when bounties were laid on Native Americans. A person would be paid per scalp. This was at some point referred to as a red skin. But there are also stories that say it was a source of pride. For me, I was told it was offensive by a Native American friend, so I generally avoid using it with the obvious exception of discussions like this. This was when I was in grade school so almost 20 years ago.
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