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Everything posted by LB3

  1. From what I saw, the guy was tweeting that it was silly of him to go protect his favorite bar. He didn't deserve the beating he took. He was also definitely dumb for bringing a short sword to a rock fight.
  2. I specifically questioned a tweet earlier that the Dallas man that was viciously assaulted had died. Context is everything.
  3. That's a good smattering of videos. Almost no context other than claims that they were peaceful. I guess we should "believe all protesters" that they did nothing wrong. ?‍♂️
  4. This is becoming more apparent by the day.
  5. Not that it in any way makes it less disgusting what happened to him, but there are conflicting reports about whether or not he died. Some people tweeted a screenshot of someone claiming to be him saying that he's ok and it was stupid of him to try to take on all those people with a sword. Not sure what to believe. With it being so easy to get angry over all of this, I'm just trying to make sure I'm angry over the truth.
  6. Plenz isn't a libtard by any means. He might have different opinions sometimes but he stays open minded and engages honestly.
  7. These conversations are always tough because it's a sensitive topic. Home life is why the rate is so high. In 2018, black children were 2.7 times more likely to come from a single parent home than white children (65% vs 24%). Promoting strong family values and good parenting aren't as easy when you're a single parent. What are the factors that cause this? I'm sure incarceration is a portion of it, but why is that number of single parent homes so vastly different? Is it a cultural thing placing less emphasis on family? I don't know the answer. These are questions that need to be answered but rarely do because someone screams "racist" and the conversation ends.
  8. This is pretty good.
  9. There it is. I have been waiting for that. The only thing that will solve systematic oppression is socialism. I think we've reached riot edition Bingo!
  10. It sounds like you're on the side of letting them protest leaving tens of thousands of lives (which you so comfortably call property) ruined and many innocent killed because of the bad apples. Is that correct? If so, the irony is outstanding.
  11. I hadn't seen this. Do you have a link where he states to rough them up while handcuffed?
  12. The TBD Sandbox is lit this morning. Wanting antifa led rioting to stop is now considered racist. Despite the fact that antifa is terrorist organization mainly comprised of overeducated white socialists who can't get jobs with their worthless degrees so they cosplay as righteous vigilantes. Better to name everyone they disagree with fascists than to own their uselessness and silly white guilt. Also, OrangeManBad is officially, definitely Hitler. ?
  13. These are both great but both are old videos. I remember seeing each some time back.
  14. I was reading the Shoutbox earlier when nut bags were trying to explain to you that Antifa aren't total opportunistic scum and are just fighting fascism. ? Modern day D-day soldiers.
  15. Does your training provide you some sense of relief or is it still just *****?
  16. You really are a ***** scumbag. Hopefully you're sterile.
  17. I'm thinking of grilling a pork loin. Trying to decide on the rub.
  18. Pretty sure that's the point.
  19. Here's a very scientific explanation of what a tracer does. NSFW - Language
  20. I was at a course where they were letting people ride in carts together on Memorial Day. Course was packed. No masks. Beers were flowing. It was a great day to be alive and to be thankful to those who fought for days like it.
  21. The county I live in has had I think 3-5 new cases in the last 5 weeks. Most people here have stopped being cowards.
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