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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Posts like this are why I started this thread. It seems like every year I await certain picks with white knuckles. Last year, I was terrified of us taking Manti "Catfish" Te'o.
  2. I've been a huge Russell Wilson fan since NC State and IMO he was a much better prospect than JF. Don't worry, I'll certainly repost this if one of the these scenarios occurs: 1. He wins ROY. 2. He has his legs broken after ignoring his first two reads while trying to make the big backyard football play. 3. He melts down when they're on a losing streak. I think the odds of each is probably the same at this point. Time will tell.
  3. 1. Sure 2. Absolutely. It could eliminate some unnecessary fights. I know with alcohol fights will always be there, but this could help get rid of these fights: A. "Hey, will you put that out? I've got kid with asthma." B. "Mind your f'ing business." A. "Its stadium policy a-hole." B. Throws punch. I saw this scenario play out a couple years ago.
  4. LB3


    It is a way of determining a man's honor. If he can suffer through the blood eagle in silence, he will be allowed into Valhalla.
  5. I'd probably take offense to this if I knew what illiterate meant...or book...or jackwagon...so I guess I'm ok with your characterization.
  6. LB3


    Interesting points.
  7. This is spot on for how I hope the Draft plays out.
  8. LB3


    I'm inclined to think it wasn't because it was first brought up in private with his lady. I think he just wanted one thing for himself outside of Ragnars shadow.
  9. Agreed. I like Ebron, just not at 9.
  10. Ha. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You must have just buried the pain and disappointment down deep.
  11. I think and hope you are right. But part of me just kind of expects the inevitable punch to the gut we generally get anytime things seem to be going our way.
  12. There are a lot of threads on here discussing who we should take at 9. This thread will be about who you DON'T want to see taken at 9 that could actually be an option for us. Basically, who is most likely to make you scream WTF when our pick is announced? My WTF pick would be Ha Ha Clinton Dix. If we let go of one of the best safeties in the league only to reach for a safety at 9, I will likely throw my pint glass at the TV. Second would be Manziel. I'm just not a believer.
  13. Agreed. I was cheering when it happened but I also had hoped it would be longer and more painful.
  14. I think Grant could have used one more year to get bigger but I guess he can get paid to bulk up and won't have to worry about classes anymore. I still think Ennis will step right in and be relatively successful.
  15. LB3


    The first season starts a little slow, but stick with it . I almost gave up on it after the first couple episodes of season one. So glad I didn't as it's one of my favorite can't miss shows now. Thanks! That explains a lot and makes that plot line even better.
  16. I like ESPN because they never fail at giving the audience at least one hilarious gem every year like Gruden not realizing he's on TV and calling a coach a f'ing idiot or Berman freaking out on the cameraman when they come back from commercial before everyone is ready. I actually like McShay and how he takes digs at Kiper. Not a Kiper fan.
  17. LB3


    Yeah. The blood eagle was crazy. But the scene was incredible. So glad Lagertha is back.
  18. Anyone else watch Vikings on the History channel? It is incredible. It never disappoints, for me at least. First season was good, but this second season is fantastic so far. The story line is great, the acting is impeccable and the production value is top notch. This series has it all. Never has brutality been so beautiful.
  19. What does one of the QB's being a Heisman winner have to do with anything other than it meaning he will probably not be successful in the NFL? Who was the last successful Heisman winning QB? Testaverde?
  20. Just kidding around. He gets loonier every year.
  21. Just watched Gruden's QB Camp with Johnny Football. A few takeaways: 1. It was impressive watching him throw the balls with no laces. 2. The kid has no limit on his confidence. 3. Similar to 2, he is cocky as hell. 4. He seems smarter than I had previously thought. I only based my previous opinion on hearing him in interviews. Not show related, he had a good Wonderlic score as well 5. A bunch of his highlight reel plays never would have happened if he just read the field. He made things a lot harder on himself than he needed to sometimes. 6. He called his college teammates sheep. 7. Gruden terrifies me. 8. He certainly won't be a checkdown QB. All in all, I still think the kid is a bag. His skill set is undeniably unique and fun to watch, but I hope that if they're considering taking him that they stop because I just don't think he'll transition well. I obviously could be completely wrong. If he somehow drops to us at 9, I think that would be great because someone will want him enough to give us a ton for that pick.
  22. Yes. Every game that is televised I watch at least twice.
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