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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Says the guy who's using the classic blame video games narrative. Broad generalizations are fun. Let me try. Anyone who blames video games for anything bad a kid does is a terrible parent trying to pass blame because they raised their kid horribly. http://news.yahoo.com/blaming-violence-video-games-does-133625439.html
  2. Get rid of them. I go to the games for the game. If I want to see scantily clad women, I'll go to a Hooters or a Tilted Kilt where they'll flirt with me, I'll buy it hook, line and sinker, and then I'll attempt to buy their love with a big tip.
  3. If he does somehow make the team you can guarantee that he has some Rex Ryan foot fetish type pics of Marrone in an envelope just waiting to be mailed to the press.
  4. It's almost as if the Hogan re-signing is just the Bills way of trolling Kirby at this point.
  5. Two Syracuse boys. Jay Bromley and Jerome Smith. It's a bit of a homer pick, but I honestly think that they could both really contribute in the NFL and will be great value picks/free agent pickups.
  6. I've actually been planning on reading them when the series ends. Edit: I just saw several articles talking about the backlash the episode has received and I now get why you posted READ THE BOOKS. People are killing the director for changing the scene from how it went down in the book to how it was portrayed in the show.
  7. I agree and hope you are right. My take was just based on how I think a large portion of the audience will view him after watching him rape his sister next to his sons corpse.
  8. It's off to a good start. My favorite part so far was when Big Head kept walking in every time they would talk about how useless he was. "I mean...we all called him a great guy but he didn't hear any of that."
  9. FTR I still like his character. I'm just assuming a lot of people will reverse course on how they view him.
  10. The scene where Jamie takes Cersei was pretty awkward. Talk about wrong place wrong time. It surprised me because, going back to about halfway through last season, his character has been going through an image transformation. We were getting pushed to view him as a good man or as a tragic hero even. They did this by revealing the real reason he killed the Mad King and by showing him save Brienne from bad situations on multiple occasions. Whelp, so much for that. Back to being a hated character.
  11. Manziel latest QB predicted to slide: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/18/dominik-predicts-a-slide-for-manziel/
  12. LB3


    Yeah. That was weird.
  13. LB3


    I was starting to buy into the Floki angst angle even more until Horik stormed out of the meeting with Ragnar and Lagertha and Ragnar nodded towards Floki to go with Horik. It makes me think that Ragnar is behind Floki's recent friendship with Horik. I wonder if Ragnar knew about the ambush at the end of the episode. The power struggle between Ragnar and Horik has been building so I'm not sure. Lagertha continues to do it for me.
  14. You don't have to wait. Just take a shovel and dig up the Aaron Maybin memories that I'm assuming you, like me, buried down deep.
  15. A guy with a much better head on his shoulders who is great at not taking big hits.
  16. I think getting jumped or murdered is Stockton's biggest tourist attraction.
  17. I just saw Kipers latest mock on the scroll on ESPN and he now has Bridgewater going 33rd to Houston.
  18. Agree with all of this. Fred is one of my all time favorites. I will always associate Fred with falling forward. My favorite Fred plays are when he appears to be stopped a yard or two short but keeps driving for the 1st when the defender thinks the play is over. Or when he cuts upfield at the last second and blasts the defender when they think he'll just step out of bounds. Effort plays out of a guy who has built a great career out of effort. He might not have had the athletic gifts of a lot of backs, but he certainly made up for it and continues to make up for it with heart and effort. I actually feel the same way about Kyle too. Another Bill who will probably not be viewed as highly years from now because of the lack of success when he was here. Once again, a guy that absolutely maximized his talent. I want nothing more than for our franchise to turn it around, but guys like these two make it easier to be a fan during the losing years.
  19. Whoa! You're blowing my mind here. So the reality is that we don't have a QB. Now what if we don't draft one and EJ starts and throws a touchdown in his first game? Is that like.... imaginary? Can the Bills be flagged for not using real plays? Are the defenders real or are they imaginary too? If I see the touchdown, does that mean that I don't exist? This is some heavy stuff. I better lay down.
  20. LB3


    Of all the great scenes this season, this is still my favorite by far: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qHXEPh4DizM Gets me every time!
  21. JF plead guilty to a misdemeanor for not identifying himself after fighting a guy over a racist comment that Johnny's friend made. Sweet mugshot... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/celebrity/sports/johnny-manziel
  22. Cheer up Charlie. We'll find the golden ticket eventually...because we want it more!
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