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Everything posted by LB3

  1. My favorite Johnny Hollywood supporter defense is (paraphrasing): "These hall of famers were all dbags so he deserves the right to be a dbag too." I think a better comparison for Johnny would be Akili Smith, or any other highly drafted QB who had done nothing in the pros to earn any special treatment. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/06/28/akili-smith-thinks-johnny-manziels-going-down-familiar-road/ I will say this. I used to be annoyed every time another story about him came out. Now, it has gotten to the point where it just cracks me up. The money phone had me laughing pretty hard. Johnny will either be a spectacular failure or spectacularly great. I tend to lean towards him being a bust, but the ride will be fun.
  2. Makes my skin crawl but I am claustrophobic. I couldn't make it through it. Same thing happened in the movie The Descent. I had to leave the theater until they stopped showing the woman stuck between to walls deep below ground.
  3. Got one for calling another poster a fantastic hypocrite. The mod gave me multiple warnings for similar things I had said so I was asking for the point. To be honest, it took a little time adjusting to the amount of respect everyone here has for each other. A lot of other message boards are just war zones and that's what I was used to. This is a much better community.
  4. Tuel. It will be interesting to see how much he's improved come preseason and if there is any merit to the report that he could challenge for the 2 spot.
  5. In http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/168655-whitner-warns-sammy-on-twittereditcalls-out-bills-fanstim-graham/
  6. I'm not sure but I don't think you can post the entire article. Just a snippet with the link.
  7. Mine would have to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nintendo. The board where you had to swim underwater and diffuse the all bombs was the best. Runners up would have to be Contra and Zelda. Hard to beat original Nintendo games. Up up down down left right left right B A start!
  8. I wish my dad would stop telling me that I need start acting like a grown woman already. I'm a man damn it!
  9. You both should be careful. This poster might sue both of you after they get done suing the board for violating privacy laws or whatever.
  10. I heard that someone was considering remaking it in an attempt to do the whole series. I'm hoping that's the case as I enjoyed the books as well.
  11. Eragon. It's awful and I love it. I'll watch it whenever it's on TV and I even own the piece of $#@%.
  12. I was led to believe that there would punch and pie.... Oh yeah. 1 vote for sticking around.
  13. Paola is an annoying Snooki wannabe and Joey (blue haired woman) is awful. Highlight...errr...lowlight of last night was when they were doing each houseguest's home videos. One of the houseguest's (Cody, an 23 year old ex soccer pro), had a SUPER awkward goodbye with his dad where his dad kept trying to make out with him. He kissed his son at least twenty times on either the lips, neck, cheek...it was crazy weird.
  14. If he's REALLY good, I don't think the Super Bowl is out of reach. D is going to be nasty and we have a lot of good offensive playmakers.
  15. What a relief. Back to work...
  16. It is on like a mofo in Dallas... now that your boy Dirk decided to beg LeBron to come make him relevant again. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/news/dirk-nowitzki--lebron-james-can-have--keys-to-dallas-040152421.html
  17. I know it's early. For me though, I've just personally never had an actress that can pull me in as well as Watson has. She was great as Hermoine and in the Bling Ring and she showed she has a sense of humor in This Is The End. The one that clinched it for me was her performance in Perks of Being a Wallflower. Phenomenal. She makes you fall in love with her. Good call on Moretz. She has showed great range at a very young age. Lawrence is building quite the resume as well. As far as it being too early goes, if their acting can connect you with the characters they play in a way that you feel is unique or special, I don't think it matters how long they've been doing it.
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