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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Hell yeah. Another Free Shite weekend! I have been wanting a new Xbox.
  2. https://nypost.com/2020/06/08/nypd-commissioner-calls-resignation-rumors-absolutely-false/ Looks to be false.
  3. I'm glad your boss values work ethic and effort. It clearly sounds like you worked for everthing you got.
  4. I don't disagree. Which is why I made the point that comparing other (many homogeneous) countries to ours isn't fair.
  5. I don't disagree. Where else is even close to this melting pot?
  6. As an employer, that is your right and good for you for enabling that.
  7. Try your silent, legal protest at work on the company dime when it matters. See how protected you are. Your overall point is nonsense.
  8. Yes there are 63 better. Are you joking? Don't talk about justice. Be about justice. Do you kneel in corporate meetings? If not, you're just part of the problem.
  9. Do you protest in corporate meetings?
  10. What was the catalyst for riots in the UK?
  11. It's funny because years later, you can't understand simple business. If you're a mediocre QB who causes any headaches and expects a bigger contract, the juice isn't worth the squeeze for owners. Also. Have you ever kneeled at work during a meeting?
  12. Do you think that the ultimate melting pot of different peoples and cultures doesn't contribute to this? Difference has always meant conflict.
  13. This right here is why I say never apologize for making a joke. He should have come out and said that it was a joke, as evidenced by the haha and left it at that. It would have been more genuine and he's just as likely to be canceled regardless. You'll never satisfy anyone who's determined to be aggrieved. ?‍♂️
  14. You underestimate him. After a few hours of confirming his bias on twitter...
  15. No. My reaction is don't touch the hot stove moron. Grabbing at a riot police officer is Darwin Award material.
  16. I mean. I literally can't stop laughing at how absurd that is. ??? Statements of support on social media are what's needed. I just can't. It's so superficial and dumb. My chest hurts.
  17. https://southpark.cc.com/clips/153855/dividing-the-town
  18. The bolded is fair, speaking only for myself. Though I'll quibble that it makes no sense in any situation to destroy your own neighborhood and rob your own neighbors.
  19. Yeah. I considered that but if I figured if my hands are up on the steering wheel by the time they're close enough to see my hands on the wheel it would be fine. Plus I keep my registration in the center console for just that reason.
  20. I have my license and registration in my hands on the steering wheel before they even get out of their car when I've been pulled over.
  21. You missed an L. Does anyone know if Tre's Twitter background has always been LSU or if he changed it back recently?
  22. Rioting is certainly more justified in one case. If protesting were the only issue there would be no issue. What freedoms are being taken away from United States citizens? Beijing cares nothing for the rights of it's citizens. Edit: @Jauronimo. Forgot to quote you.
  23. Perceived racial bias vs loss of actual freedom. Many people disagree that the system in the United States is inherently racist and rigged against POC. The anomalies in policing statistics can and often do require more context than just, "Hands up don't shoot." As are so many other things, mistrust of police is taught at home and can be a self fulfilling prophecy. Racism is awful, but can easily be a scapegoat for other issues. What actual freedoms are being fought for here in the United States? I'm not talking about how certain people feel or how they perceive situations. I mean actual freedoms that are being denied. Do we jail citizens for years for not respecting the anthem? Are U.S. citizens banned from protesting? What freedoms that all citizens have are denied by the government to POC? Edit: Admittedly, I also assumed looting wasn't as big of an issue because I've seen not much mention of the looting in Hong Kong. That is also what I believed a large difference to be but can't confirm.
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