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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Pats have a tough six games coming up. They could reasonably go 2-4.
  2. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him out there with Bradham and Spikes.
  3. This really feels like watching a Bills Pats game just without the depression.
  4. Is it time for Geno meltdown? Edit: Well I guess that's one way.
  5. Surprised me too. I couldn't imagine the backlash if Marrone said this... “I’m the boss. Their job is to please me — not the other way around"
  6. He's certainly made a lot of big plays and he's powerful so I guess I can agree with you. I guess I was thinking of explosive more in terms of speed.
  7. I actually remember thinking that he looked really slow on that play. Woods caught up to him quickly. Maybe he just took his foot off the gas though.
  8. Zimmer speaking about Patterson... "He's got to do a better job of getting open. I'm tired of hearing about all of this stuff. He's the second-most targeted guy on the team, so if he wants the ball, tell him to get open." More bashing of his team at the link. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/minnesota-vikings-coach-mike-zimmer-rips--extremely-disappointing--team-222551096.html
  9. If this is true, I guess it's better than not seeing the holes but it's still troubling. I haven't given up on him yet and really hope that if overthinking is the problem that he can fix it. We'll see. “Just trusting what my eyes see and not overthinking,” Spiller said, via the Buffalo News. “That’s been the biggest thing on my end, just overthinking it too much instead of going back to that little kid in the backyard, playing with his friends and having fun. I put so much pressure on it. It has nothing to do with this being the final year of my contract, it’s just overthinking and trying to make that play when I should have just taken what they’re giving us … and kept us out of the negative plays.” http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/10/16/c-j-spiller-on-struggles-im-overthinking-but-not-about-contract/
  10. It's a tough one. I want the Pats to lose but I also want the Jets to lose badly and implode. The players giving up on the season would be nice.
  11. It's a process.. Step 1 - Shame spiral in the post game tailgate. Step 2 - Get further into my shame spiral listening to WGR on my ride back to Syracuse. Step 3 - Go to bar and try to find a woman desperate enough to sleep with someone in an obvious shame spiral. Step 4 - Wake up in a strange place and freak out because I should be at work, but then realize I took the day off. Step 5 - Sneak out, get breakfast and then go home. Go back to sleep. Step 6 - Wake up, look for any positive i can find in the game and then get back on the Bills optimism train! Go Bills!
  12. "How exactly does the posi-trac rear end on a Plymouth work?" "It just does!"
  13. He said on Rome the other night he wants to play at least another three years. If he keeps playing the way he has I'm all for it. Fred is the man. I hope both him and Kyle get to see the playoffs before they leave.
  14. No. It's not. I went through every carry of his through the first four games. It happens the way you describe less than once a game.
  15. I was led to believe there would be punch and pie...
  16. It sounds like he's handling it well. Definitely a guy that it's easy to root for. As an aside, I think Tuel will have a future in coaching someday. He's always actively trying to learn and help others in everything I've seen or read.
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