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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Couldn't agree more. I'm really excited for the game as I think they're two great teams and it should be a very competitive game. Damn if they aren't the two least likeable teams going right now. Though I do love Sherman's act.
  2. Maybe they should have thought about that before some of them started taking the spike like it was a vitamin. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/29/earl-thomas-apparently-angry-about-random-hgh-test/
  3. Warner's remarks reminded me of the exchange Howie Long had on Mike and Mike yesterday after he mentioned how sick he is of hearing skill position players whining. Long - "You never want too many quarterbacks or leading ladies in one room together." Greenberg - "Why?" Long - "Catfights."
  4. What kind of books do you prefer? I like all types but tend to steer more to fantasy/science fiction. The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Really good quick read. The Wheel of Time Series - Fantasy/sci-fi. My all time favorite. A big time investment though as it's 14 books averaging around 700-800 pages each. The Passage - Newer, cool spin on the vampire genre. A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  5. Sign me up. Bring him in as competition.
  6. Ok. He's got anxiety and that means he's gotta be a dick about it....makes sense. He should petition the league to try and get an exemption if it's really that big of an issue for him. I hope they grant it. That way, he can just stick to b*tching about getting fined for being too stupid to follow simple rules like wearing the right cleats. Oh the humanity! He needs to be given a break. He's just trying to have harmless fun. Unless you count the hit & run, misdemeanor gun plea and DUI.... good guy though. Real model citizen.
  7. I believe in a few short years, Ennis is going to be a solid NBA point guard. He just went to the worst possible team for this season. After Dragic leaves this off-season, Ennis will get minutes and prove himself.
  8. Pats - 26 Seahawks - 24 Field goal to win as time expires.
  9. And yet i still can't unsend drunk texts to my ex girlfriend.
  10. Good effort by our boys. UNC's depth was just too much for them to handle. The officiating got a lot tighter both ways in the second half and that affected us more. Plus it was the most visibly tired I've seen our guys all year. Credit to UNC for overcoming some real sloppy ball early on.
  11. Cooney on fire. Rak doing Rak. Paige on fire from three. UNC shooting lights out, and passing as if the lights are out. Good game so far. Roberson having a nice game again. Patterson came in for a bit, played good D, but couldn't buy a shot. BJ played two insignificant minutes. Our guys are getting tired and in foul trouble.
  12. U mad bro? Good game so far. I was not all that optimistic coming in, though Cuse does seem to play to their competition. Should be a fun second half.
  13. It's great seeing all our boys out there on that line together.
  14. What's funny is KTD is one of a handful of posters on here bringing the most informed content.
  15. I agree in that I don't think Tuel will ever amount to anything, though I do think he has like a 2% chance. Where I disagree is that I see no potential in Johnny. Never have. I recognize he was a great college QB. I saw almost no pro potential though. Weak arm, couldn't read the field, terrible decision making and gave up on plays too early because he loved playing backyard style football. Now add to that what we know about him not knowing the plays and continued crap work ethic. I see zero potential. JMO.
  16. Jeff Tuel has looked better on the field than Johnny Fubar.
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