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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I think it the Bucs pass on Winston they are stupid. I think this kid is going to be special.
  2. Now that is an interesting way of viewing it. Can't really disagree with that at all.
  3. I guess I'm just being too literal with it because I agree there aren't 32 great QB's, but there are 32 starters.
  4. I agree. I'm all for improvement at every position so if we can bring in someone better, I'd be all for it.
  5. I guess that is where the disconnect is for me. For some people, there are probably only 10-12 #1 tight ends in the league. It doesn't make sense to me when there are 32 teams. JMO.
  6. I understand that it would be nice to have a Gronk or Jimmy Graham, but there are only so many of them. Chandler is one of the best 32 tight ends in the league. He'd also benefit from having Brady or Brees throwing to him.
  7. I challenge anyone calling Chandler a #2 tight end to list 32 better tight ends in the league right now. Guys like Ebron are debatable because all there is to go on is athleticism.
  8. Guy has a ton of mileage on him for his age. No thanks.
  9. If you're posting from a mobile, remove the "m" from the start. Sometimes when using a PC an "s" appears at the end of http that can be removed too. Not entirely sure, but generally works for me. Obviously I'm no expert, as you can see one won't work for me. Lauryn Hill - Killing Me Softly Rufus Wainwright - Across The Universe
  10. Give the OP a break. That other thread is about Josh McCowan, QB from TB. This thread is about Josh McCown, QB from TB. Totally different dudes.
  11. If his current ESPN show wasn't so awful I would imagine they'd at least kick around the idea of bringing in Olbermann.
  12. The Chicago Bears board i visited before we played them was epic. Nothing but F bombs and memes. It was pretty entertaining watching them savage each other.
  13. It's hard to ask any more of our guys. They played hard. The short bench hurt them again. Cooney and Rak having to play the last 9 minutes on D in handcuffs is a recipe for disaster.
  14. IMO, this game today will be very telling about the makeup of this team. It would be real easy for them to pack it in because they have nothing to play for. Hopefully they come together and play hard for each other. If they do, it could create an even stronger and hungrier group coming back next year. Feel bad for Rak, but I think he's playing himself into being a first rounder so that's a nice consolation.
  15. Good stuff. I would also like to see what Taylor's got. I liked him coming out of college as a late round project.
  16. What a hypocrite. I don't really think this is a big deal, same as the Patriots deflate scandal. I never felt the need to defend the Pats because f them but I do wonder what the "integrity of the game" army will say about this though.
  17. All communists should be treated equally regardless of sex.
  18. I think another big reason ratings are falling for the UFC is because of oversaturation. I'm as big a fan as there is, but there are WAY too many events now. The cards are watered down because of it. The 4th and 5th fights on the main card ten years ago are headlining the smaller events now. Add to that the fact that a large portion of UFC fans, the mouthbreathers specifically, don't like the smaller weight classes because they generally tend to lack the knockout power larger fighters possess. Their speed and skill is taken for granted. For example, Demetrius "Mighty Mouse" Johnson is probably the best pound for pound fighter in the world right now, and he can barely draw fans to the free events on Fox.
  19. Started out a little slow, but it's coming around.
  20. Or after he sucker punched the Boise State player during the postgame handshakes.
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