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Everything posted by LB3

  1. This is the answer. Fill needs in free agency, take the best available in the draft.
  2. I like Nassib. Always have. He's smart and athletic. I think he'd be a really good fit in Roman's system. I know it was only preseason, but he improved greatly from year one to year two. The only QB I'm sold on in this draft is Winston and that isn't happening. Bring him in, let him compete.
  3. I'd really like to know who initiated the trade. Mind still blown.
  4. Good luck to Spiller! I'll always like the kid.
  5. Whichever side of this trade you come out on as a fan, take solace in this... at least we're not the Browns.
  6. Cut Bryce. Can't cut the heart of the team, especially since he's still a reliable back until he proves otherwise.
  7. Great job Scott! Thanks for the awesome board update!
  8. Awkward. Spiller is on NFL Network live right now. He just found out when he saw the report right before he went on. Looks shell shocked. Says he was really hoping to stay in Buffalo.
  9. I guess i can change my name to "What CanBrownDoForYou".... until i get sued by UPS.
  10. Oh man. My head is spinning. Who's going to do the awesome Campbell's tailgate food commercials now. Nooooooooo!
  11. If I recall correctly, 26 did this last year too. Pretty much went missing after the season right up until training camp started. Then he was back posting hot off the presses stuff like he never left. I'm hoping that is the case again. I joined in 2013 so last year was my first offseason here and I actually thought you guys both worked for the site because of how much you both contributed. I thought that you guys had an agreement of some sort that he'd carry the regular season weight and you'd pick up the slack in the offseason. You do a great job year round and it's much appreciated! #Free26
  12. Wait a minute. I thought melting down about something that hasn't yet happened was ok.
  13. I'm still bitter that Whaley didn't re-sign Watkins three years from now. I mean, they used 2 1sts and a 4th to get him. How could he not get that done. Same old Bills.
  14. With Cuse out, I'm hoping VCU gets in. I love watching their games. Shaka Smart gets those kids to buy in to his system really well and it is fun to watch their Havoc defense.
  15. I am a homer when it comes to Cuse, but even they irk me a little on offense sometimes. I just don't feel any team needs 35 seconds. They just aimlessly pass the ball back and forth or dribble the clock down til there is only 12 seconds left and then run the play. It just gets boring as a fan, and yes, it angers me much more when I'm already frustrated by losing. We'll see when the tourney comes but I think, and I know I'm going out on a limb here , that Kentucky is much better built for the tourney. They are great offensively, which often makes people forget how good they are defensively. I could see Virginia not making it past the sweet sixteen. JMO
  16. F@$% Virginia. I hope they get upset in the first round of the tourney. If there has ever been any doubt that the shot clock needs to be lowered in college, watching Virginia play should eliminate it.
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