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Everything posted by LB3

  1. It's all coming out.
  2. If Biden loses, the stage certainly seems set for bloodshed. George Floyd's murder was the kindling. Trump winning will be the match. Charges brought against Obama will be the gasoline. He will be deemed another innocent black man that the justice system failed. The United States will burn if things aren't done perfectly if they go after him.
  3. If you think about it, it makes sense. Black olives can be used for a lot of things. Throw a whole can in a salad, on a pizza or make ten creepy fingers that you eat like a boss. Green olives are for martinis. Unless you're getting after it or hosting a martini party, you'll need to re-seal.
  4. Yikes. I hope my doppelganger isn't an a$shole.
  5. I voted for Cruz over Trump in 2016 and then abstained in the Presidential election. I still think Cruz is a brilliant man and actually think he's become more human since Trump got elected and he found his voice. That said, I don't think he could win. I honestly think DeSantis has elevated himself the best recently with his fearless and data driven leadership through the Chinese Flu. My choices ultimately were between Tim Scott and Nikki Haley. I think they would have the most realistic chances of winning the general election. I went with Haley because she's incredibly accomplished and experienced at all levels. She would be a perfect candidate to break that glass ceiling for women. Also...
  6. LAMP I got word yesterday morning that a dear friend had passed. He was like a second father to me. He had been dying to get out from lockdown. He was a devoted husband who never stopped loving his wife even a decade after she passed. He loved his son, but he was a painful reminder of the lost love of his life. He wasn't a perfect man, but he was a good man. One of the kindest I've ever known. He lived alone and only survived after his wife passed because of his routine. I told friends and family that I was worried that lockdown would be dangerous for him. I checked on him all the time. Invited him over every weekend to try to get him out of the house. I did everything I could to try to prevent the inevitable. During lockdown, he told me many times that he'd never stand for another lockdown. Isolation was too much to take. As phase three approached, he was so excited. Sadly, upon first seeing him, it was obvious that he had gotten sick during lockdown. It was evident to all of us. On Friday, he finally went to the hospital. He got bad news but would not be specific other than assuring that it was not Covid. He refused to be hospitalized. It would have been just another lockdown. Our final text exchange Saturday night was: Me: "I'll stop in for a beer after golf tomorrow morning." Him: "Can't wait, kid. ?" I weep for his son, having found his father yesterday morning. My heart is broken. I'll miss you, friend.
  7. I'm not crying, you're crying!
  8. ?? You gotta love communists. Their anger fuels them to unparalleled heights of stupidity. @first_and_ten Your "contributions" in the other thread were amazing. You come in full on Karen, wondering why PPP hasn't been canceled. Then go on to have an exchange where you make fun of loony conspiracy theory believing righties, and in the next breath say Trump would be in out of office if not for a huge cover up (read - conspiracy). You then start slinging some "ok boomer" style insults before checking out of the conversation victorious (read - going to bed drunk). You sir, are a shooting star. I look forward to reading more from you. I leave this, in honor of your epic night of owning dumb "Trumlets".
  9. Rosinbagger!
  10. I started with par-bogey-bogey-bogey. All were birdie putts to start. ?? I literally also finished with a 44. Golf = my favorite headache.
  11. Thanks. How did you know I get out of work early for golf league tonight?
  12. ?? This pops into my mind every time.
  13. As if we needed any evidence other than your posting history to know that your parents are idiots.
  14. Multiple postings were made and removed on Craigslist offering to pay Wuhan Flu infected people to go to the rally. Bad people exist.
  15. Can't someone just find a picture of him making the "ok" hand gesture 40 years ago so we can cancel this guy already.
  16. ? It's very naive to think this wouldn't happen. #JusticeForJussie
  17. To prevent psychotic liberals from having the ability to sue after purposefully going while sick and still undiagnosed with the hopes of infecting Trump supporters and potentially getting a big settlement. TDS is a disease.
  18. It's actually quite relevant to the topic at hand.
  19. I wouldn't put the health of my family at risk just to burn down my friend's restaurant in the name of social justice, but that's just me.
  20. I think the bolded is the most important part. Of course cases will go up, but if rate stays the same and hospitalizations don't become an issue, it will be the biggest possible win for him. Part of me thinks that's why so many are trying to prevent him from having it. It effectively ends Covid and makes a lot of elected officials look very bad for locking down their states for so long. It would destroy the media's panic push. To clarify, I'm sure a good portion honestly think that it could be a health catastrophe, but I think a large number are afraid that it will be good for Trump.
  21. Same here. I assumed that would be your answer based on some of your posts on the main board. The panic porn is pretty nuts over there. ?
  22. False. Protesting is bad, unless your protesting includes property destruction and theft. Only then are you immune to the Wuhan Flu.
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