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Everything posted by LB3

  1. If I had to guess, I'd say 3rd-5th round. He's a Syracuse guy (FTR I am a bit of a homer). Last I saw, he was the 5th ranked safety on a few mock boards. 6'3, 210, 4.6 40 yd dash. Good tackler.
  2. Bust - Mariota Sleeper - Durell Eskridge. Great size for a safety, which is ideal with how prominent tight ends are becoming.
  3. I don't know. He'd be really undersized. He's only 6'0, 200. I think he's a better fit at WR but who knows.
  4. Again. I haven't disputed that he got caught stealing those crab legs. It was dumb. The vulgarity was a running joke around the country when he said it, especially among teenagers and young adults. That is what was blown way out of proportion. He can't show he's more mature, until he shows he more mature, so we'll just have to wait and see. It just doesn't instill the same level of concern in me that it does you, that's where we differ. I apologize for saying you were ignorant. I was just taking a shot at you after you said I was being naive. I will contend that you either did not know, or clearly forgot that Peyton had his own transgressions. You just now added that he didn't follow it up with anything else. What you insinuated was that he would never do something like Winston did, which is obviously false.
  5. Yes sir. Honestly, I don't even know how someone could sit down on someone else's face when trying to moon a person. I thought you had to be at least standing.
  6. You're more than welcome to condemn a kid you've never met as much as you want because you read those exciting headlines and opinion pieces. I fully recognize that he could do something stupid in the future. So could any other player. Peyton Manning (a guy you ignorantly claimed would never do such a thing) could sexually harass another woman and have to settle the case again. Is Jameis at risk more than most players? Absolutely. That's what happens when you're a star that makes a mistake. I'm sorry that you feel it's naiveté that I don't jump to hysterics over every thing that comes out about him.
  7. Ok. That makes sense. I can see it from both sides. You were definitely right on one of your earlier posts though, the spite game is a dangerous one to be played between players and fans. But, winning does solve everything and if they're good next year, you guys will love each other again. I wish the Sabres and their fans the best, except when they play my Sens!
  8. They've only won 3 games since the beginning of March. The Boston win was weird, but Tor and Ari are both garbage just like them. Couldn't it just seem like they're giving more effort because they're playing other sh*t teams?
  9. I do not think Wilson or Brady would have done it. Their personalities are different. They likely have the same confidence as him, they just don't choose to show it as much. He also has a bit of the class clown in him. I agree that he needs to grow up, he's admitted that himself. He's not dumb, he's just made dumb decisions, which again is about him needing to grow up. Russell Wilson used to be a bully. He grew up. I believe Jameis can and will. I do think he'll always keep the confidence and the jokester attitude though, because it's who he is. He'll just make better decisions because he'll have learned how blown out of proportion things can get.
  10. Johnny and Jameis are very different. A huge difference between Johnny and Jameis is that Jameis wants to be great at football and works very hard to attain that goal. Johnny wants to be a celebrity first and can't be bothered to learn a playbook. Jameis, by most of the accounts that I've seen or heard, has been ignoring most of the coaching up by agents and is just being himself. Whether you see it as confidence or arrogance, he's being himself. As for the yelling on a table, that couldn't be more overblown, IMO.
  11. It's good that he's trying, but I'm still going to assume Bryant isn't going to come here. I was disappointed when Noel was deciding on schools because I bought into Michael Carter Williams' influence.
  12. Yeah. The main guy was the one who stopped Tuco from killing Jimmy and those two guys earlier in the season. He also tried to set up the plan with Jimmy to steal the money from the embezzler couple. Edit. I always forget his name. It's Nacho.
  13. I stand corrected. It wouldn't happen, but under your scenario, I could see it getting a big draw.
  14. No way. When was the last preseason game that sold out. No one wants to watch scrubs except die hards like us on this site, and even some of us wouldn't.
  15. No need? If they let the entire thing play out, it would have gone on much longer than they preferred. I don't think that the botched investigation had anything to do with his guilt or innocence. I think that they wanted to help get rid of the issue as quickly as possible because their own best interest (winning a NC) was at stake. Is that wrong? Yes. Does it mean he was guilty? No. You can have your opinion. Based on the things that I read, I just don't agree.
  16. Fair enough. The Brady Quinn plummet was BRUTAL to watch.
  17. The investigation was absolutely botched, but that doesn't automatically mean he was guilty.
  18. Changed your stance a little? I do agree that it would be a good reason not to go though.
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