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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I honestly believe that if it wasn't for Kevin Garnett, Rondo would be out of the league by now. He demanded a lot out of his teammates and wouldn't let Rondo's sh*t slide. His talent wouldn't be enough.
  2. When this story came out and then the report was released, it seemed to me that she was lying. After more has come out about how badly botched the investigation was, I have questioned that view and realized I was wrong to assume she lied. I honestly don't know who to believe now. I'm not going to jump to another conclusion on this issue. The paragraph I bolded is going to be the biggest he said/she said point of contention IMO. One of those facts you stated is incorrect though. The roommate did not post on Facebook about "what a bad thing he had just seen". Three days after the alleged incident he posted, "I feel the worst I almost felt in my life Smh #stupid." Now this could be in reference to the alleged incident, but it could also be referring to a blackout night at the bar for all we know. I'm not sure what the level of doubt needs to be in a civil case, though I think it's lower which should help her. I think she'll easily win her case against FSU and the PD because of all the facts known about how the investigation was handled. If she can't get the roommate to testify/corroborate her story and she can't get a copy of the deleted video, how much of a chance do you think she'll stand of winning the suit against Jameis? In the absence of that evidence, will the jury assume that because the investigation was botched that he's guilty?
  3. I'm not that surprised that ESPN stayed away from the alleged sexual assault. I viewed it as more of a fluff piece where they can advertise that they asked the "tough questions" by bringing up the crab legs. I agree that it is still theft. I was a concerned at first that it seemed as though he didn't recognize that it was wrong, but realized that it was a bit hypocritical of me. When I was in school, a couple of my friends and I had a friend who worked at the dining hall and would let us pass for free sometimes. At the time, I didn't view it as a big deal, buy now realize it was stealing regardless of how harmless I felt or even still feel it was.
  4. Did they say that they had a deal with an employee too? I'm not as familiar with that one.
  5. This is what I had assumed had happened all along. Winston took the theft charge as opposed to improper benefits so he could play. If he admitted to having a deal with an employee for free food, he'd have been ineligible. Can the NCAA go after FSU over this now or is it a dead issue? http://www.sbnation.com/2015/4/22/8466133/nfl-draft-jameis-winston-crab-legs-jim-harbaugh
  6. 9-0 to start the year. First loss at the Patsies. Playoffs here we come!
  7. The crybaby apologizes. Still doesn't understand what the reporter's job is. http://deadspin.com/bryan-price-apologizes-is-still-being-pretty-dumb-abou-1699203919
  8. Does bible study come before or after the baking cookies stage of your relationship?
  9. Yeah. I don't blame the refs. If it definitively showed that it didn't hit the hand, I'd probably just complain and that I couldn't see it. I follow the Gordon Bombay school of thought in my hockey fanhood: 1. Take the fall! 2. Act hurt! 3. Get indignant!
  10. Hand pass... it was a good game though. Ottawa needs to stop with the constant finesse shots. They need to take a page out of Montreal's book and put more shots on net. One timers and drop passes are good, but occasionally they need to just blast it at Price and charge in after the garbage.
  11. I'm surprised that they might kill off Ragnar. I didn't expect it yet. I like the crazy french princess. She's really conniving.
  12. First game I remember going to, a woman flashed the crowd and I saw my first pair of boobs. I've been hooked ever since. I've been a Bills fan ever since then too.
  13. The "fix your roots" comment is the one you cam actually hear in the video. She says it right before Britt talks about her teeth.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/source-espn-reporter-britt-mchenry-200100450.html Can I be outraged at the tow employee for saying mean things too, or do we still just hate the pretty girl?
  15. Nah. It was a good game. Ottawa will get the next 4.
  16. You've got that right! Pumped for the Sens-Habs tonight. The hits are coming early and often. Pacioretty might play, but I think the Sens will be ready for him. Going to be can't miss TV!
  17. I hadn't heard that. It's definitely possible. I'm sure he's been constantly hearing the talk of discounts and I could understand him seeing that as a bit of an insult. He's been playing behind a bad/below average o-line with one of if not the worst receiving corps in the league. He doesn't get nearly enough credit for what he does, IMO. Getting paid will be the credit he rightly deserves.
  18. Trouble in paradise? https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/seattle-seahawks-were-expected-russell-180100275.html
  19. If it's the one that has been talked about before, it's a girl that said she wasn't raped but that their encounter was weird or something to that effect.
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