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Everything posted by LB3

  1. It's like how the NBA cares about human rights until China comes up. Then mum to real human rights problems.
  2. Do you honestly believe Jackson apologized before backlash?
  3. What number gotcha book is this about Trump in the last three years? Bolton. Omarosa. Wolff. Acosta. I'm sure there are a few others. I guess crying wolf isn't a thing anymore.
  4. It wasn't Hitler. He thought it was Hitler. He's an idiot.
  5. Though I don't often agree with him, GoBills808 has some nuanced and intelligent takes. The other is some galaxy brain stuff.
  6. Is there evidence in the book that someone took his SAT's? Side note. Do you ever get tired of stepping on the same rake?
  7. You're right. One was about how he felt about the flag. One was about demonizing Jews. Good take though.
  8. What part of the book is the most factual and relevant? What was your favorite chapter?
  9. Please enlighten. What, outside of insinuation, makes Brees a horrible human being?
  10. What part of the book is the most factual and relevant? What was your favorite chapter?
  11. I wonder if people will come out of the woodwork insinuating what a terrible human being DeSean is in real life like they did about Brees. ?‍♂️
  12. I believe every word every grifter says just to make a buck off the desperate media and the pathetic sycophants who still can't accept they lost the 2016 election.
  13. The reaction to this will be nonexistent in comparison. Even though what DeSean said was actual bigoted garbage and not just "tone deaf".
  14. Other than a reversal of his position, what evidence would you accept?
  15. The rest of your post aside, this is always my favorite line from people. It's completely disingenuous because it leaves out the conclusion of the conditional statement being presented. Would you truly accept that he listened if he didn't change his mind after listening?
  16. Aren't we right on par with total deaths at this point last year? Does he get credit for lowering non- Chinese Flu deaths?
  17. Gotta give @DC Tom credit. He nailed these psychos as Jacobins quite some time ago.
  18. Quite the obsession you have. What flavor is the kool-aid at your cult get togethers?
  19. Our main board's resident Covid expert and arbiter of "facts" stated that they attended a BLM protest and that everyone wore masks, except the cops. Anecdotes are fun. Mark down another medical expert/mask shamer defending "protests" when it aligns with their terribly misinformed political beliefs. All lives matter. Black Lives Matter is a communist organization with the goal of ruining the country and has nothing to do with protecting black lives. It makes me sad when intelligent, good hearted people like the one I mentioned above are so easily swayed by statistically false narratives.
  20. I wonder if they could build the waiver into the ticket. Use of ticket acts as a signed waiver.
  21. Other than bias, how comfortable are you with the stats? I'm biased and I have to constantly check myself, which is why I read more than post.
  22. How do they quantity peoples who watch at a friend's house or bar viewers? I might have missed that in the article.
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