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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Clearly he wasn't accusing you. Now that we got that out of the way, if you're looking for work, which based on how much you've posted since March you must be. Here's a former Dem candidate you might be able to help. 😉
  2. I think I have a guess but out of respect for your privacy I'll keep it to myself.
  3. Are you admitting you'll riot if Trump wins? Sounds like a threat.
  4. When most of what one does is trolling, they're a troll. I don't think you're a troll. I think you let emotions override your ability to be rational sometimes, but I don't think you're a troll.
  5. Someone messing with your family is wrong.
  6. That you conveniently left out your trolling posts that preceded that. That after years of you stalking and mocking DR under multiple names, that you act like a victim after you get smacked around. You earned it with your dishonesty over the years. I sincerely think it's possible that you have dissociative identity disorder (not referring to your multiple screen names). One day you'll be all about civility and everyone being better. You even seem earnest about it. You implore everyone to rise above the fray. Then the next day you abandon that. You will just troll and mock posts all day. You'd follow DR into every thread he was in. Yet you'd complain that he was obsessed with you. Your next step would be to act like an abused victim. It's pretty sad that you'd play the victim after you repeatedly threw the first punch. The reason you're not respected is not because you're a liberal, but because you've proven time and again you're a troll and a hypocrite, Gary (aka peaceout, aka Warren Zevon, aka WAcKy ZeBrA). Quit trolling and try to engage like @Crayola64 has. His contributions have been great since he decided to just have honest discussions. People like him, @Doc Brown and @ALF make this place better when they make it less of an echo chamber with different viewpoints.
  7. I believe I know the former poster you're referring to and cannot speak to whether he did. I didn't know about him until a main board poster who had a personal relationship with him exposed that here. They were also not on good terms so you never know what people will say in a fight. In instances where DR would assign that label, it was because said posters would routinely drop into a very serious subject to mock it as if it didn't have merit. I understand that it's easy to mock Pizzagate, but when evidence of was presented of a systemic problem involving trafficking and abuse it should garner more than mocking and derision. If it wasn't mocking. After a while, it just seemed like certain posters didn't want a very serious topic talked about. Some would make their own assumptions as to reasons why. Edit. Greg was the most tolerant poster here until he started getting attacked one account after the other. Stalking him under many account names. He didn't attack liberals. He attacked people who refused to have conversations and only mocked him. Thanks for engaging.
  8. False.
  9. Ok, BillsFan4Ever.
  10. You're an idiot. That's not a mod edit. It would suck to see you both go. Best wishes if you make that decision.
  11. Great job, Karen. For your next trick, join a fishing club and then try to get rid of everyone that likes to fish.
  12. I was spot on, Karen. You joined a club just to complain about and change it. You're pathetic.
  13. Very fair. The hyperbole was strong in me.
  14. You have continually cried like a child with a skinned knee.
  15. "Get rid of everything I don't like." You are what is wrong with the world.
  16. You are what is wrong with PPP. You are the type of Karen who wants to create rules for clubs they aren't in.
  17. And yet a truly reprehensible piece of shite like you is still here. Do you still want to see my best friend's death certificate you fukking scumbag?
  18. In DR's case, I don't think it was that mod.
  19. I sincerely doubt PPP will exist anymore if Trump gets re-elected. If you ever lurk in the Sandbox, it's pretty easy to see the way the TDS wind is blowing. If I had to guess, I'd say either Gary and the bots finally got their wish or the poster who constantly says he hates PPP while posting almost exclusively in the Covid thread complained enough. Stinks even though I could see it coming. It's made even worse by the fact that the mod squad drove away a good poster like @plenzmd1 who was always willing to have honest discussions. Someone whose only crime was that he didn't bow to the all knowing Covid expert and rightfully called out panic porn.
  20. It really doesn't make sense with all the people that are allowed to spew their disgusting rhetoric.
  21. My hands immediately began to sweat.
  22. China designed a virus to cull the elderly to help their overpopulation problem. They have significantly underreported their deaths. Democratic leadership (e.g. Clinton machine, DiFiChiSpy) knew about the design and secretly worked with China to bring the virus to America. They value power more than human life, especially when the elderly are likely not Democratic votes. They also now know how easy it is to get a large portion of Americans to blindly give up their rights in the name of fear.
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