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Everything posted by LB3

  1. This is a really good point. Percy, as a star player, is given more leeway with the decisions he makes. He would be more likely to take a ball deep out of the endzone because wants to make a play. Thigpen, as strictly a return guy, should know better.
  2. Perfect welfare mentality, taking no personal responsibility. Keep supporting an organization you're so ardently against though. Real intelligent.
  3. Thigpen has shown to be very effective on returns. Why risk him when you can get similar production from Thigpen. In a pinch, in an important game, throw Percy back there.
  4. Funny that the OP, clearly a member of Mensa, has offered no solution to this problem. What should realistically be done?
  5. I forgot that NE lost their draft pick. I was going to correct you, but then realized you are a very smart man.
  6. I was going to post this as well. It was in the flat when we were pinned deep on the scoreboard side. When he went down, he got up gingerly and was limping a bit. Scared the crap out of me.
  7. I just checked out Finheaven, a Dolphins message board to see what they were saying about their team/the rest of the division. One opinion that seems to be pretty popular is that their win against Wash was better than every other AFC East team because it was a road win. A tough, come from behind win. They also thought that beating the Colts isn't a big deal because it's not 2014.
  8. Your power ranking prediction was one of the first things I thought of when I was watching highlights from around the league last night.
  9. Yeah. It was just odd, specifically because they were the team that took a Pats* ball last year.
  10. I didn't want to start a new thread for this because I didn't think it was warranted. Did anyone else see the little scuffle Aaron Williams almost got into with a Colts ball boy (man)? I didn't see it until I got home from the game and started to watch it on DVR. After Williams almost had the diving INT early in the first, he got up and ran with it and ended up losing control of the ball on the Colts sideline. As he went to pick the ball back up, you see a fat old guy for the Colts scurry over to the ball as quickly as he could and dive on the ball. He continued to hover over it and you could see Williams was clearly annoyed by the move. Just an odd thing to see, some sideline guy fighting to keep the ball away from a player.
  11. At 12:10, gate 7. Walked right up to security, got wanded and into the stadium in under a minute. Grow up and get to the gate earlier.
  12. Going home tomorrow. Can't wait to get with the family, then get with my second family on Sunday! Go Bills!!
  13. Yeah. I actually liked it too. IMO, it seemed to fit more with the Del Toro's style.
  14. I might not have phrased that well. What I was saying is if Hilton is in the slot, I wonder if they'd be comfortable leaving Robey alone on him?
  15. Colts fans are really high on their 1st rd pick, Dorsett, from what I've read. I wonder how much Hilton will end up in the slot in 3WR packages. Do they leave Darby alone on their rookie and roll safety help to Robey, or see if he can hang with Hilton alone?
  16. Maybe. I just hadn't seen it anywhere else and people on their forum were making fun of what a bad idea it was.
  17. I didn't see here. Has anyone seen anything about this from another source. Indy Sports Coverage ‏@IndySportsCO: Bills plan to play only one safety against the Colts on Sunday... Good luck.
  18. The old back of the leg kick. Sounds dangerous. Kromer should advise him on what to say to the offended party.
  19. Hear hear! I don't think I need to wish your team any luck against Chicago, but will anyways. Cheers!
  20. I didn't like Raffi at first but he has grown on me a ton. The League has gotten better the longer it's gone on. It sucks it's the last season, but I think the actors are kind of over the show. I saw Stephen Rannazzisi (Kevin) at a comedy club in Syracuse this past spring and he hinted that it's sometimes tough being every FF player's wet dream to meet and talk FF with, especially when they aren't nearly as into football as their characters. It's Always Sunny is still a great watch IMO.
  21. I posted this last night and was told it was a segment for their wacky predictions. I fat fingered a reply on my mobile and accidently deleted the thread. I didn't see the whole segment so I can't say for sure how serious he was about it.
  22. Goes in to meeting with Gone Baby Gone, comes out with Transformers like... This immediately made me think of Death at a Funeral.
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