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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Darby has been very impressive in his first two weeks against two of the best QB's in the game. Hopefully, he keeps it up.
  2. Good job Kirby. Can I take my compliment back after the LAMP?
  3. It's amazing more people don't see this. No front four can get pressure if the ball comes out that quickly. The defensive gameplan was just pitiful. It'll be better next week.
  4. No. When they play that badly against an offense that isn't exceptional, I'll worry.
  5. So, when we play at Foxboro, how much money do you want to put on the Bills? Exactly. Look at the final score all you want, you know that was a laugher. I feel sorry for everyone drinking the kool-aid I'd put anything on it sport.
  6. Down 5 points with 4 minutes to go. Had the ball down a score and 2 pt conversion with a little over a minute to go. Yup. We had no chance. Trying breathing with your mouth closed. Any way you slice it, 40 points and 500 yards passing against this personnel is completely embarrassing. Of course it's not good. It is literally the worst they can play, and they still had a chance at the end. I'm not giving up n on the season though, because I'm not a moron like the OP.
  7. It's ONE loss! By 8 points. Against the best team in the league. Let's give up though. You're pathetic.
  8. Bunch of runs. Hogan catch. Watkins catch. Taylor scramble.
  9. The only reason I even know what that is is because of the movie A River Runs Through It.
  10. I've thought he was going to be good since seeing him tie Jameis Winston on Elite 11 for camp MVP. He went on a mission for the last two years but didn't look rusty when stepping in when senior QB Tayson Hill went down. I'm anxious to see how good he actually is.
  11. Not just Taylor, they are going to struggle against all of our weapons. Too many good ones to account for.
  12. LB3

    Man Crushes

    If we're included the departed. Gary Cooper (super duper)
  13. I've never thought Manziel would be good, but he's getting a golden opportunity to show the Browns what he has and take the job from Josh MehCown. I've also thought he's a bit of a douche, but this response to Merrill Hoge's criticism is great though. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/news/johnny-manziel-rips-merril-hoge-220738031.html
  14. Not having Rambo in coverage should help even more. He blew quite a few assignments last game, not something I want to see against Brady, especially with communication being tough for the D with the crowd noise.
  15. I believe it was mentioned that they only tested players who believed that they had CTE as well.
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