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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I'm an EJ fan, I'm just no longer optimistic that he can make the necessary changes to his game that I thought he could. I thought his drive, work ethic and better coaching would help him get better at the things that held him back the past two years (bad lower body mechanics, being too cautious). It's appears to be time to move on from EJ after the season. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and is willing to put the work in, so I wish him the best. All that said, Cassel sucks.
  2. I was thinking about this. It would be odd if they didn't use this as a set up for something later. Like Enid joining the Wolves (JSS) and killing a core member of the group. It could have a huge effect on Carl.
  3. Go ahead and point them out. Throws that hit Jags defenders in both hands.
  4. It was gift wrapped quite nicely for the D. Stared down his receiver the whole way and then threw the duck. Definitely six if DRC doesn't drop it.
  5. Syracuse sends its regards as well. Thanks for the years of local blackouts.
  6. I personally hate their format so I wouldn't click their links either way, I just respect the reasons given by SDS. Edit: Nice Bills nugget though.
  7. This has been brought up before. The reasons for blocking are in that thread. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/173319-is-it-really-necessary-to-block-bleacher-report-still/
  8. You could hear the realization in his voice that his career might be circling the drain when he begged the person who called 911 to just let him go because he wasn't drunk.
  9. F*** this. Rochester and Syracuse were subject to blackout rules for years as part of the home market, but now aren't considered local because it's streaming. Bullsh*t.
  10. I'm still pissed at the conditions in the stadium yesterday. My seat was wet when I sat down! #EJSFAULT
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