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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Committing suicide is always cowardly. Part of me still resents my friend. Covid, by the data, is taking a certain select population. I can't wait till a home opener though. Gonna be great to see you.
  2. Thanks for that.
  3. GFY too. For a bs lockdown that culls the herd. Only a moron didn't know lockdown would drastically raise death by despair. To save the sick and dying a few more months.
  4. Thank you. He wasn't allowed to see anyone. It was the 10 year anniversary of his wife's death. He couldn't take it anymore. He's with his wife now which is the only comfort from it. GFY dbag. I hope you're at the opener in the next few years.
  5. Bledsoe Fredex Bob Woods John Brown TO Spiller
  6. Everyone was buying chips at my local establishment yesterday afternoon. I got a buffalo shrimp wrap (delicious). Next week, we'll be hanging a framed photo on the wall of my friend that Emperor Cuomo killed with his extended lockdown.
  7. Blue gray
  8. Looks like martial law.
  9. Aren't those Chazistanians?
  10. Children being punished for their house party wrecking the place while the adults were away?
  11. Now your posting history makes sense.
  12. @K-9 @Warcodered I notice neither of you answered the question. I guess comorbidities don't exist in the Covid hysteria world. Be well fellas.
  13. You're correct. I didn't list sites so you're right. I wouldn't post any of the sites I listed in this thread for the reason you mentioned. Fox does report legitimate news sometimes, but they lost trust the same way that CNN and MSNBC have for all of their partisan bs. I ask this again because this is fundamental difference for me. Did someone with 6 months left to live die from lung cancer or from Covid? That's where my issue lies with the entire thing. It's why I am waiting till year end to admit I'm wrong. I need to see the growth rate of all deaths at year end. I see the data on who's dying. It's sad. I still have my theory on the worth of adding deaths by despair and destroying businesses (families) to save those who were on their way out.
  14. Read better. I accepted that trucks had been requested. I was asking for no MSNBC, Vox, Huffpo. I guess you would value Breitbart, ConservativeTreehouse or Fox News at face value? Edit: My original Google was "stacking bodies in refrigerated trucks" and only old stories came up. And yes. Citing cases constantly without talking about positivity and mortality rates, having skewed positivity test percentages that are later proven totally false is fear porn.
  15. Requested and as yet not used. Thanks for being able to find an article. I had Googled "Covid refrigerator trucks". When did you become an irrational poster who thinks anyone right of center is alt right? Question for both of you. If someone had less than six months to live with lunch cancer and died with Covid, what did they die from?
  16. Well yeah. But after all the speculation, I guess I was expecting midget tossing or some such.?‍♂️
  17. I mean. Yeah. Sexual harassment is bad but after all the rumors... this is Glazer 2.0 if there's nothing else.
  18. No thanks. I just Googled and found no recent articles. I guess any would suffice at this point. I noticed two other things. Your bias is showing. What occurred a month and a half ago? I'm relatively certain that you participated in one.
  19. Please link a credible article (not fear porn) where we're stacking bodies in refrigerator trucks again. Thanks.
  20. It's politics. He's scared shitless that we're gonna surge in cases and people might actually hold him to account for being the worst governor in the union and show that his three month lockdown was bull####.
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