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Everything posted by LB3

  1. NFL.com's projections are garbage. Granted, a lot of projections are but theirs are awful. They projected Davante Adams to have 12.9 points in my league for 9 straight weeks, including the weeks he was injured. I'd go TT. Brees has had too many bad weeks and TT has a much higher upside when it comes to rushing yards and TD's.
  2. Chippy the pooh (coach only, no GM power), TT, Bills D.
  3. I'm watching the Sens-Panthers game right now, and I'm amazed at how awful the Panthers Fox telecast is. The camera work is awful. Half the time, they are cutting off relevant parts of the ice by zooming in too much.
  4. Tyrod used his legs enough make it a threat yesterday. In recent weeks, he looked like he was shying away from it. Whether it was due to injury or just trying to prove that he can do the job without his legs, I'm glad that he decided to use them. That should be part of his arsenal, just like Russell Wilson.
  5. The side arguing on emotion. I've never felt strongly one way or the other about the NRA or gun control. Reading this thread and seeing random twitter updates about the topic, I'm beginning to think that the NRA is more necessary than ever. Something needs to be there in defense of the 2nd Amendment against hysterics.
  6. I have read this entire thread, and one side is clearly embarrassing themself/themselves.
  7. Ohhhh...so adrenaline is what caused Travis Kelce to do a ridiculous ten second dance after scoring on us. A loud scream and fist pump doesn't get that adrenaline out, only a practiced dance does the trick.
  8. Yup. That game was very disappointing.
  9. True. He just needs to grow up quickly. 2 fights in the same night, a guy pulling a gun on him in a club in October and getting pulled over going 108 on the Ben Franklin bridge. You'd hate to see all that talent go to waste.
  10. Okafor sure seems like an ass. Suspended by the Sixers after this second fight video came out. Same night as the first fight. http://m.tmz.com/#article/2015/12/02/jahlil-okafor-fight-second-video-boston/
  11. We'll see. We dirty up the game quite nicely. I've got newfound confidence since those tourney wins
  12. Turris is the man! Karlsson and Hoffman should get some love too.
  13. Casual Friday basically means Snuggie day for half of the women in my office. Yes
  14. 1. Buffalo Bills 2. Ottawa Senators 3. Whatever team LeBron is on. 4. Tiger, Spieth, Fowler 5. Federer 5. GSP, Edgar, Pettis 6. Cuse basketball 7. Cuse football
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