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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Great play by Eichel. Never should happened though. Horrible slash call against Hoffman. You know it's bad when the Sabres announcers nearly chuckle over how bad of a call it was.
  2. NFL did away with conferences for the Pro Bowl.
  3. Season 2 of Man Seeking Woman started up a couple weeks ago. After starting slow last year, it picked up pretty well by the end of the season. This season has started off really well. Very crude show, but very funny.
  4. I'm a little embarrassed about how hard that made me laugh.
  5. Haven't started the game yet, but let's go Cuse!
  6. Palmer has been gripping hard and just got very lucky.
  7. I hope Cobb is alright. That looked like he a good amount of blood he was coughing out.
  8. Patriots bring more viewers. Of course he's rooting for them.
  9. The Chiefs just did a great job limiting the amount of time NE will have to score here. :\
  10. My mistake. I guess it doesn't bother me as much because the returner is normally the one getting blasted so it was an interesting role reversal. Most importantly, the Pats*.
  11. That, and how he likes to try to break opposing players legs after plays.
  12. Carey just said you can block a player towards your own end zone, as long as the head isn't contacted.
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