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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I think it was a misguided retaliation for Kane trying to rough up Karlsson earlier in the game (there's history there) and his frustration at how the game was going. That crap needs to stop in the NHL.
  2. That would be ideal for determining punishments. After watching the knee again, it was still a dirty bs move, but it wasn't as bad as I thought last night. I don't think the intent was to injure, just rough up. Still not ok though. Even worse because it was Eichel.
  3. Does the NHL base it's penalty more on intent or the effect of the hit? If it's intent, the suspension will be worse IMO. Edit: He's projected in the lineup tonight. Don't know if that means there will be no punishment or not.
  4. I haven't really watched much since Kyle Dake's senior year. I'm going to have to check some out.
  5. My thoughts exactly. I know the UFC is all about money making matchups, but this us ridiculous.
  6. They do. Doesn't make what he did right. Neil should be punished.
  7. I love Neil, but that was a bs move.
  8. Chippy game. Sabres intensity has been way higher so far.
  9. Roberson almost outrebounded Dayton by himself. Edit: It ended up being a larger difference. It was 18 to 23 at one point though.
  10. Don't know enough about Dayton. Cuse plays strong D, but based on this game, they look like they'd have an advantage in a track meet.
  11. Roberson is giving everything. Lydon needs to be a little more confident. Boeheim has had a good rotation going. I'm betting the 2nd half will be called more tightly.
  12. Got some Dogfish Head 90 and wings, ready for this game. Let's go Cuse!
  13. This is spot on. It's going to be annoying if Edmonton lucks into Matthews after already having four #1 overall picks since 2010, one of which will be the best player in hockey for the next 10-15 years.
  14. It's Wichita State, but this large lead really isn't that shocking. ... ...i'll see myself out.
  15. Yeah. Bryce Johnson has been crazy out there, especially in the 2nd half. I've got Wichita State going a few rounds. Baker and Van Fleet are legit. Yeah. FGCU looked like they had an adrenaline dump after riding so high. UNC has clamped down on D.
  16. UNC just has so much talented depth.
  17. I've gotta admit, I'm a little jealous watching Eichel and Reinhart. I was ecstatic that the Sens made the push last year to make the playoffs, but as we are probably going to miss this year, part of me wishes we went in the tank last year too. Stone looking like a star in the making has been a decent consolation, but Eichel is special. He's gotten stronger as the season has gone on which is really impressive. When the Sabres are dominating the league in a few years, I'll hate them, but right now it's fun watching young talent like that.
  18. FGCU is playing the game of their lives right now.
  19. I don't agree, but I will not take part in any more Bonnie conversation.
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