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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Another dominating performance. The Cavs just keep rolling.
  2. Ouch. Jacksonville has some awful luck.
  3. Which is odd because Carroll was pretty good on the Hawks.
  4. Cavs had them thinking about the three, then just set up shop in the paint.
  5. Anyone else think that Bran kind of looks like the Night's King? Similar noses and builds.
  6. You make good points. I think that there is so much to get through before the final battle, that they have to cut some of the character development.
  7. That was a great episode. They keep doing the opposite of what I'm expecting, and I'm really happy about it. I thought they'd drag out the meeting between Sansa and Jon by having him leave just before she got there. I thought they'd drag out Dany's imprisonment in the ex wives club, and they finished that uo spectacularly. Ramsay's note to Jon was so menacing and awesome. "Come and see."
  8. If I hadn't known better, I would have assumed that Miocic was the defending champ based on how much more composed he seemed than Werdum.
  9. This pretty much sums it up. He was never good at getting hit.
  10. I think he'll be closer to the top of the first than the second. There's no guarantees that his stock will ever be higher. Injuries happen. He'll be getting paid this year and will be one year closer to his second contract (the big money).
  11. He hasn't been proven wrong yet, unless you think the proof is that he hasn't supplanted Eli as a starter.
  12. I'm also rooting for Stipe. He and Cain (if he can stay healthy which is debatable) are the best HW's in the world and I'd really like to see them fight.
  13. I'm a big Duncan fan, but he really shouldn't.
  14. He's the exact type of player teams want now (good size, can handle the ball and create his own shot). Best wishes to him.
  15. True, but when he's not hungover it's ...
  16. Dana was on several different shows yesterday saying that the report is 100% false, but why would he admit it. In other news, Anderson Silva had emergency surgery yesterday to have his gall bladder removed, so he won't be fighting on the card this weekend. It should still be a good card though.
  17. Another possibility that I didn't think of. Thanks.
  18. I'd love to see Durant with the Celtics. Brad Stevens has done an incredible job with little talent. It would be great to see what he could with a legit superstar.
  19. I'd put the Cavs at either 1 or 2. They have the best player in the game and some good pieces around him. The Warriors have the best shooter ever with even more pieces around him. Hell, Iggy was a 6th man last year and won Finals MVP. The LeBron fan in me wants to see Cavs-OKC in the Finals. The basketball fan wants to see Cavs-Warriors.
  20. I hear ya, though I have thought OKC is a tier below those three. They could prove me wrong though shortly.
  21. Just throwing a guess out there. I'd think not playing in the 5 on 5 means that one or more teams has told him they want to draft him and that they don't want him getting hurt in combine scrimmages.
  22. I hadn't heard that. That's interesting.
  23. I absolutely think they could beat the Spurs.
  24. In no world are the Clippers on their level. OKC could maybe get a game or two on them. Spurs and GS are the only teams on their level. Any team with LeBron and even 1 other star (they have 2) is going to be a top team. I hope Whiteside or Valanciunas are back for the next series, whichever team makes it through. It was the Pistons they beat in round 1. Also, let's not act like the Warriors haven't had it easier than the Cavs. The Rockets were the worst team in the playoffs. The Hawks and the Trailblazers are about even, though I think the Hawks are better.
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