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Everything posted by LB3

  1. That was crazy by the GS bench. Luckily for Cleveland, benches don't travel well. I hate GS mostly because of the dynamic douche duo (Curry and Green), but it is impossible not go like Iggy. He's balling out.
  2. I'll be watching. I like Yedlin's speed at RB. Don't know much about Nagbe. I've liked what I've seen from Bobby Wood.
  3. Thompson was on fire, but OKC and more specifically Durant, really choked badly there.
  4. Silly Fergy. He's got help. Rob is helping him bulk up for the season.
  5. Nice Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood reference.
  6. Love was on the carton for a couple games that's for sure. I'm guessing that they'll have JR/Shump/Delly guard Westbrook most of the time. Smith has been playing great D. Not great enough to stop Westbrook, but possibly enough to slow him down some. Kyrie will get his offensively. KD vs LeBron will be really fun to watch.
  7. Sure. Style points will only matter if they win it all anyways.
  8. That 57 is low too considering how much better the Cavs are than they were during the year. Either way, you can just say the team with the best player in basketball when referring to the Cavs.
  9. I was completely wrong about OKC. Even if they somehow lose to GS, they're still better than I gave them credit for.
  10. This card is a disaster. Losing Weidman really stinks. Cruz vs Faber could be decent, but Cruz will likely just get on his bike and outpoint Faber. And now we can't even watch BJ get messed up by a gatekeeper.
  11. Lowry is playing his ass off. Cavs should take the next two.
  12. They should have suspended him. He's a douche.
  13. Interesting. That could really piss some fans off if he gets captured right after Hodor died to save them.
  14. Yeah. This is what I was thinking about after watching the preview. How the hell do they escape? Is a dragon going to come and pick em up Uber style?
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