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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Great win for the Cavs. Irving and James were both insane tonight. They kept going while Klay got cold.
  2. I wouldn't say LeBron rewarded as much as it is a douche finally tagged for his bs.
  3. I don't think it was really frustration til after the attempted nut shot. He was being an !@#$ to Draymond by doing it, which is well deserved.
  4. Draymond needs to stop trying to touch other guys balls. That's 3 attempted crotch shots this playoffs.
  5. It could be a good thing. They need to start the game with the same defensive intensity, which is something he doesn't bring.
  6. It's going to be interesting to see what Cleveland does tonight if Love is able to play.
  7. 3 games, 3 blowouts. These whole playoffs have been weird like that.
  8. What I don't trust about Jefferson is his old legs. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  9. That's brutal. I'm hoping that home court has the effect on role players that it normally does.
  10. Of course they consulted him. I just don't personally consider him giving an "ok" to the least garbage candidate available mid season, "hand picking". He certainly didn't hand pick Blatt. I wonder if we'll see more Frye or Mosgov.
  11. Interesting, I didn't know that about Arya. I'm not really sure how the living faces work either, so I just chalk it up to some type of magic.
  12. Great first half result. A little sloppy on the back end, but can't really be mad about it with how the offense is clicking.
  13. Yedlin just got away with one with that awful clear. Goooalll! Yedlin with nice speed and a good cross on the penalty.
  14. I don't think anyone has ever accused LeBron of being a good talent evaluator. I also wouldn't consider going with the Assistant Coach currently on the team hand picking, but to each their own.
  15. I don't know why this hit me last night, maybe it was watching Cersei being backed into a corner more and more, but I think that Jamie is going to kill her before the end. I think that Tommen will die, possibly poisoned by Margery, and Cersei will lose her **** and try to burn the whole city to the ground. Jamie will kill her to stop her (Mad King part 2), and then kill himself. Of course, this could all be proven wrong if Brienne kills him in the next few weeks.
  16. They also have the best player in basketball, so that helps.
  17. Spurs looked REALLY old against the Thunder. Before seeing that, I would have had em ranked about even.
  18. I don't agree with putting the Cavs behind the Spurs and Thunder. Styles make fights, and the Warriors are a bad matchup for the Cavs. Playoffs are a very different animal and guys are rested during regular season games, but here are the head to head records for those teams. vs Spurs: 2-1 vs Thunder: 3-0 vs Clippers: 3-0
  19. Kyrie has been awful. Golden State is so much deeper. Hopefully some shots start falling for the Cavs and things get interesting.
  20. Yeah. The Wade he left was taking half the season off on bum knees. His career looked to be on the downside but he was like his old self in the playoffs. It was impressive. Kyrie is a better scorer at this point, but Wade's D is insanely better. He's been MIA since they decided 3's were the way to go and brought in Frye.
  21. Put it somewhere it won't be seen during a job interview. That, or one name on each eyelid.
  22. I think going back to Cleveland was the right move for his legacy. Love over Wiggins was bad though. Edit: Plus, if LeBron stayed Dragic probably wouldn't have been signed because of the big 3 contracts.
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