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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Jim Parsons. His face just looks so punchable.
  2. Raspberry ginger ale is the best, guess I'll just have to deal with the ass juice.
  3. Sure he is. He's possibly one hit from retirement. He's made decent money. Why not try to get his best friend back? He has nothing to lose.
  4. LB3


    Exactly. I was rooting for the hilarity that comes with a Phil meltdown, but this was much better. A lot of respect for how he's played. This is a tough one to lose.
  5. LB3


    Stenson is playing out of his mind right now.
  6. You all need to relax and gain some perspective. Kiko is an incredible humanitarian. In just one season, he did more to raise awareness and tolerance of parking lot bj's than anyone here has in their entire lives. Before Kiko, a bj was something done behind closed doors or in a dark alley behind a bar. Now, people can do it in broad daylight with pride. Show some respect.
  7. I'm with you. I'd be pissed if I was Hunt. Taking a loss from a juiced up monster. The fight could have and probably would have gone differently if Lesnar wasn't on something.
  8. http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2016/7/15/12204562/ufc-mma-news-interview-mark-hunt-brock-lesnar-usada-peds-steroids Hunt wants half of Lesnar's purse.
  9. LB3


    It is impressive what he's doing, and he is absolutely an all time great. You're probably right about him, I just can't shake the feeling that the "aww shucks" persona is bs.
  10. LB3


    Not any good reason, just always got the feeling that he was fake.
  11. LB3


    I'm hoping for a classic Lefty meltdown. Never liked the guy.
  12. So what you're saying is that we need some killers to get over the hump. When is Hernandez up for parole?
  13. They were still working on that when I drove by on my way to work this morning. I figured someone had crashed into it. This is much dumber.
  14. He might...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  15. Doubt it, seeing as how he recently said the Celts would have to back up the Brinks truck.
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