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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Maia has always had weak takedowns though. I figured it would stay standing for a while, and Condit would punish him too much before Maia could get him down. Guess not.
  2. This part of his quote remains funny to me, "If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right." No Colin, this took your football away. http://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&ei=b9zFV-44gdZ6l_qW8AM&q=colin+kaepernick+sideline+throw+gif&oq=Colin+&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.41l3j0i131k1j0.1974.2250.0.4068.
  3. I think we can all agree that this really sucks for the 49ers.
  4. I think you're 100% correct on how they'll handle it if they do cut him.
  5. I would hope they would just make a football decision either way, but I don't think it's far fetched to think the optics could play a part.
  6. One of my favorite songs, covered brilliantly.
  7. The 49ers could now face backlash for making a smart football move and cutting a bad player. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/big-consequences-49ers-cut-colin-000000252.html
  8. The rest of the FF season isn't nearly as fun as the drafting.
  9. Every time that phrase comes up, it reminds me of this.
  10. Had my second draft last night. 12 team, PPR league with 1 keeper (drafted 6th round or later). QB - Brady, Tyrod RB - Elliott, McCoy, M. Jones, Ajayi, Morris WR - Baldwin (keeper), Edelman, Funchess, Sanu, Fuller TE - Olson K - Boswell D - Minn
  11. If he loses the QB to comp to Gabbert, does he use this as the excuse? Chippy the Pooh is a Racist Part 2?
  12. I was shocked by the Condit fight. I thought that Condit would be able to defend on the ground. I clearly underestimated Maia at WW.
  13. Through 3 fights, this is up there for one of the best cards I've seen. Just incredible fights and finishes.
  14. I've been impressed with him as well.
  15. Basically just personal preference based on my FF philosophy and past experience. In most of the leagues I've been in, you cannot get a second good RB (or first if you take a WR with your first pick) if you have the 1st pick in a snake draft. At 6, you're going to most likely get that. I like having two RB's that don't split carries equally with other backs. I've never had a problem getting that while drafting in the middle. It's a passing league so there are more good WR options available later.
  16. This thread has too many triggers, so I'm gonna go hang in my safe space, the EJ bashing thread.
  17. He probably just thinks this might make him relevant again for a few days.
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