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Everything posted by LB3

  1. No pass rush. A few times you could tell the safety wasn't where he was supposed to be. Bad game overall. They'll be fine.
  2. Goodwin beating Revis like a drum. Get him the ball Tyrod!
  3. Actually, it was. 3 yard penalty that it they got a stop after, would have prevented a td.
  4. That's smart. Though the gameday thread would likely not be nearly as exciting if everyone followed suit.
  5. I need to see Tyrod show more poise. The plays where he actually had time to throw and had WR's open but only looked at his checkdown were really disheartening.
  6. Roman doesn't have beef with any of his receiving options. The problem is that TT has beef with throwing on time and to anyone other than his first option.
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