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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Can you play a TE as your flex?
  2. Matthews has some serious puck skills. Luckily, the Sens still got the win. The Toronto MNM line should be fun to watch this year.
  3. I predict that we will continue to talk about the 49ers s****y QB for weeks following the Bills victory.
  4. He's a one read, then run QB who rarely checks out of bad plays and has poor accuracy...I'm fairly certain that the Bills of all teams would know how to defend him quite well.
  5. That's silly. There will easily be more than 1. There will probably be more than 1 new Kaep thread today.
  6. This thread is too positive (probably why the are so few posts). Let's start spitting out some vitriol. I'll start. NRC's interception would have been better if he was taller. It's like, grow up already! Amirite?!
  7. Senators fan, but this stinks. Guys like him make the league more fun to watch. Hopefully it's not that bad.
  8. So many threads have been getting derailed lately, I just wanted in on the action.
  9. I'd probably have less of a problem with him if he didn't keep getting unwarranted title shots in another division while running scared from the contenders in his own division. Partly Dana's fault too, but it makes me think he's a douche that he runs his mouth while he runs scared.
  10. Vegas wants people to bet the 49ers with that spread. We're golden. Bills: 26 49ers: 13
  11. I could see NRC making another house call this Sunday. Kaep will give our CB's a bunch of opportunities.
  12. You're going to love tonight's programming.
  13. I'd much rather see Kaep take a knee before the game than at the end of it.
  14. Its a good decision to have to make. Same with Lorax and Lawson.
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