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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Is Tannehill still their QB? Yeah, we should still expect to win.
  2. Waited a couple months since joining to start spamming.
  3. Roethlisberger matters immensely more than Brown.
  4. Any defense with TJ Ward is the dirtiest D in the league. that guy!
  5. I have those stories as well, but what this writer did was irresponsible. He attempted to smear this woman as a bigot when the evidence doesn't show it. This woman should not be punished for what someone could have said.
  6. Some of the takes in this thread are laughably amazing. Someone saying "tackle the Muslim" didn't happen in the video, but because it is something that someone, somewhere could have said, we should just act like it was said.
  7. I checked out one as well. I only noticed a few who didn't think they should win.
  8. Probably, "Let them throw it. He can't throw."
  9. None of it makes sense. Especially considering the reports that Ponder has been the best QB in practice.
  10. I agree. That's why I qualified my statement with "likely".
  11. It's crazy how much film study can do. I know that injuries played a factor, but RG3 was going to be the best QB ever at one point. Then it turned out he was a one read QB as well.
  12. Good thing he stinks at QB so we can likely avoid that scenario.
  13. I agree with you that it's silly. I don't heckle opposing fans. I'll have an occasional have a good natured back and forth, but that's the extent of it. But you know as well as I that it happens all the time. My point was that the heckling will be overly attributed to Kaeps views when it's just regular heckling.
  14. When are opposing fans not heckled for cheering for the opposing team?
  15. No hypothetical necessary. It literally happened in the Rockpile at the Cardinals game. No one said a word to them.
  16. I'd keep Bennett over Kelce. Who knows if Gronk will get healthy.
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