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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I wouldn't give them even that much credit. They outplayed the Sabres for the first minute, but played sloppy D the rest of the way. They normally make good adjustments, so we'll see how the 2nd goes. I could see the Sabres being able to use Jack's return to carry the momentum through though.
  2. Sens came out sluggish in the 1st like they do in most games, and the Sabres were juiced up over Eichel returning. Sens need to button up their D. I'm surprised that Eichel looks so strong out there. Turris had a high ankle sprain in December last year and it pretty much ended his year.
  3. I know it's a cop out, but just go with your best players. Screw matchups. Don't overthink it. Winston Hyde Gordon Ingram Bitchum Evans Bennett Philly
  4. Any time someone asks for a Christmas idea, it makes me think of one of my favorite movie quotes. "You know what I'm going to get you for Christmas, Mom? A big wooden cross, so that every time you feel unappreciated for your sacrifices, you can climb on up and nail yourself to it."
  5. USADA banned the usage of IV's for rehydration and Conor needed it because he cut a ton to make 145.
  6. They have QB's who can hit slants in stride.
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/conor-mcgregor-forced-ufc-featherweight-150935565.html Conor McGregor had to give up the belt after avoiding Frankie.
  8. Everyone else gets to squeak em out against the Jags recently, why not the Bills?
  9. At the game tailgating. My early morning 4 Sierra Nevada in prediction is that Meeks has a pick.
  10. I will. I love em all. It's a complicated dynamic.
  11. Two Roads Lil Heaven IPA. Had it at JFK Airport. It was great.
  12. My dad picked up a bunch of different IPA's for me, so I should be ok.
  13. That's nothing. My mother finally came out of the closet because of Trump. On a phone call last week, she literally said to me, "Trump and Pence want every gay person to be fired from their jobs. I don't deserve that, I work hard." First time she ever actually verbally said it, this after living with her partner for the last 18 years. Thanksgiving should be interesting at my dad's, a conservative who didn't vote for Trump. My mom will be there (always awkward) and my sister is newly liberal and thinks our entire hometown is racist. Should be fun.
  14. I just binged the entire season the past two days and I really enjoyed it. Wood, Newton and Hopkins are just great, which was to be expected. On the whole the cast has been good, even McPoyle. I am glad I went in knowing nothing about the movie. IMO, this show has a similar feel to Carnivale, which I also really enjoyed. My theory is that Wood might actually be Arnold, and that Bernard is the original Wood. I know the prevailing theory is that Bernard is Arnold, but I think that if Arnold is talking to some of the hosts, it would have to be Wood doing it (unless it was some built in memory). Plus, Wood seems like he has the obsession that was attributed to Arnold. He could have been so obsessed that he killed Wood, stole his identity and destroyed all memory of himself so that he could go forward with his mission to create truly conscious hosts.
  15. If you're in Syracuse, it's on TWCSC Channel 323 tonight.
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