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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I honestly don't think Belichick would. Any other coach I'd say absolutely. BB isn't the type to trade FOR what's going to be a monster contract extension in a year. Especially for a guy with injury concerns. He's also never really valued receivers that highly.
  2. Blocked punt or snap goes over the punter's head?
  3. Very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  4. Let's gooooooooo! What a great game. Two top ten teams in the past week.
  5. My bar has a new IPA on tap that I'd never heard of before but it's really tasty. Hoptical Illusion by Blue Point Brewing. Good stuff.
  6. This is the type of game the Senators need to (and should) win if they want to stay in a strong position to make the playoffs. They've played up and down to their competition all year. They're healthier and better than the Sabres and need to show it. I do enjoy watching Eichel play, even though he's made the Senators his B word in his short career. He's so smooth out there. Hockey has so many good young players right now. It's a fun time to be an NHL fan. Good luck Sabres fans.
  7. Amazing game. I went to the bar to watch the second half and we were up four, next thing i know were down sixteen and I'm getting cursed out for being the jinx. I'm glad that we came back and won, otherwise I would be banned from my favorite bar. As much as I give Gillon shite, he was unbelievable last night. Free throw monster.
  8. Weird. I've always disliked him cus of what a whiner he is and how slow he always played. I'm also a Federer fan so that could partially be why.
  9. Nadal vs Federer should be epic. Roger knows it's one of his last shots at another title and has said he's going to go for it, unlike in the past where he's always played a super defensive game against Nadal. I hope Roger takes it. With the Williams sisters match, I'm interested to see the kind of effort Serena gives. I could see her letting her sister have one last hurrah. Serena will still have quite a few more chances.
  10. She's hot, but that smoker's voice that's getting worse every year is a turnoff.
  11. My bad. When I was Cleveland over the holidays, I heard a report that they feared his season was done. I guess it's just a 3 month injury.
  12. Losing Delly to FA and Swish for the season definitely hurt them more than expected, and Shump has been awful. They're relying on nobodies for guard depth. Bron isn't wrong. He did this same thing last year too. Richard Jefferson said Bron does this on purpose to stay uncomfortable which may or may not be true. He's right to be a concerned when he sees the Warriors ridiculous roster. Cavs need a better backup guard. We'll see what they do. Evidently the Cavs said naw to a Carmelo for Love trade.
  13. They're still going to represent the East in the Finals.
  14. Love the fire Lydon plays with sometimes.
  15. Agreed. They've had a couple seasons that weren't up to their standard level, but this season has been a homerun so far.
  16. It's Always Sunny and Workaholics are still killing it.
  17. Had HopSlam for the first time a couple weeks ago. Had never heard of it before. Pretty good.
  18. Our owner, who is a friend of Romney, is having a catered lunch sent to our office today to celebrate. Half the people here look like they're going to explode, with some vocal about it being inappropriate to bring politics into the office. They're the same ones who have been trying to push their views on to others for the past two years. I generally agree that politics are best left out of the office and so I keep my opinions to myself, but this is great. Today is going to be a very fun day.
  19. He didn't throw him under the bus. He just left him sitting in the middle of the street.
  20. Wow. 34 drop backs. 17 hurries. That's terrible.
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