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Everything posted by TDRupp

  1. Oh. I agree totally. I want Losman to play at least the first 10 games unless injured no matter what. If he is doing okay let him finish it out, if not Nall gets a shot. Then, we know if we need a QB in 2007 offseason.
  2. He better develop it fast or I doubt he will be a Bill next year if he does this 3-5 times this year...
  3. yeah, right! I love to hear my starting QB (3rd year now) has a great deep arm but can't hold onto the ball or make good decisions. Trust me. That is not a "good" half of football for him at least!
  4. Darn. All - pro turned Rob Johnson... We are DOOMED!
  5. Bad blocking or poor decision to hold for long time by Losman?? I am sure his is not good at having the awareness that somebody is coming. Loves to keep the ball alive and make something happen whcih is risky of course...
  6. Anybody? Please help us out. I amguessing from the "way to come back from the int" talk it was his fault but what are the specifics, guys?
  7. I read it on NFL.com but how bad of a throw and or decision was it by J.P.???
  8. Per a post draft quote that we know is accurate and not misspeak, Marv himself REALLY wanted to take Willams in the 4th round but was convinced by the others to take Simpson and hope Williams lasted into the 5th which he did. This to me maybe almost proves out that he wanted to take no risk (I don't agree with the decision either) he would miss out on Whitner in trading down to 15 with Denver. He figured when Oakland went with a Safety it was not worth a chance. Different type of GM than Donahoe that is for sure. He went value all the way and supposed great, tough attitude guys (at least in interviews) like Mike Will, McGahee, Losman... He did not like to "reach" for players projected lower. Marv wanted to get his kind of players smart, tough, football players (not talkers) with high on and off field character that also fit the new D and O schemes.
  9. And now the hex of the x-Bill syndrome?? I hope so b/c that means we are turning around with Marv! Remember during the 90's glory days when Bill's FA that signed elsewhere were snakebitten almost as bad as Glen Davis (1st basemen traded for by the Orioles... I'll get back to his story later...)?? Nate Odomes in Seattle House Ballard Damn, can't remember any others but recall a die hard Skins fan telling me. "damned, Marv! He put the hex of Marv for trying to get away from the Bills and now the guy (that the Skins signed) can't even get on the field! I know Wolford got away before the great run and produced but after that a ton just dried up into the injury ward after they left. It was great, although I hate for them personally. You guys remember any others?? Oh yeah, Glen Davis that guy (don't hold me to the exact injuries or timings) came to the Orioles after and during a huge year in Houston for some pitching prospects that included Pete Harnish and Curt Schilling (I belive but dont hold me to it). The guy either got hurt at the end of that year or the following year with like a broken wrist and then hurt a knee real bad and then had after type of other minor injury that happered him to the point of total almost total uselessness. After what seems like was about 4 years of that mess (don't hold me to it), he was "healthy" again and talking like he was just glad to be that way and help the team anyway he could (they were not counting on this guy, trust me). All things are go, he is healthy and ready go and being a hugely touted additional and paid huge bucks, but most unfortunately he was sitting in the dugout and got hit by a foul ball. Ding! Career over. That guy was a totally walking diaster, a total demolition man! anybody old enough to remember that dude? Sorry for the side track. Go Bills!
  10. Maybe I am just too tired but I was crying on this one. Excellent. Thanks, I needed that...
  11. Actually, I already agree with him 100%. I'd do it 100 out of 100 times if in fact we only had the Texans 5th on the table b/c cutting him for nothing is not as good, right? Or, would that be like trading Moulds for Alan Ricard, FB a street FA?? ;-)
  12. They are all unproven but what you see is what you get. Williams is looking good against good teams with Ellison, Simpson, Youboty, McCargo showing flashes here and there and Whitner doing okay for limited time. Unknowns? No. Unproven? Yes. The regular season will tell the story but camp and preseason starts to paint the picture and reg season confirms it...sometimes in 2 or 3 yrs....
  13. I meant the best AVERAGE back....
  14. Yep. And now he is the best back in the league. Well, the back AVERAGE back in the league.
  15. I agree and I write that with regret b/c I like him and want him to be good. I also believe this about J.P. Sure give him a chance and with more experience playing... Hey, I am hopeful, but I just don't think the kid has good leadership, decision making and accuracy as a QB. Not a good combo, IMHO. Hope they both prove me wrong, especially J.P. but I just don't see it...
  16. Roscoe Parrish and Wendell Hunter.
  17. Not good news about the QB's but hopefully the D is playing well. We will start seeing in the next few weeks and months for sure. Thanks for the update!!
  18. What do you mean? Mike M said we are going to "instill our will on them, guys..." He was all about mentally, remember? I am not bashing Fairchils but until we get to game 8 we don't know if he is a good O-coordinator and even then if the O line and QB's stink like many "experts" think it could just be the players... We shall see...
  19. Maybe...But, that happens Rice has to play on Sunday's. Good start though...
  20. Sad. I know, but I'd love to know how it went for the QB's and Whitner. Whitner will almost have to play on Sat. if Wire is hurt.
  21. While your points are valid, if Marv (who doubts him) and Dick stick to what they have said, KH gives us the best chance to win the next reg season game. Period. It does not matter (to Marv, IMHO) that he might not (or is not according to "us") going to be a starter for a playoff or Super Bowl contender. He simply gives the Bills the best chance to win the NE game unless I see otherwise in the preseason which I doubt. That is not to say I agree with the decision to start KH, I just get the feelong that unless Losman outplays Holcolmb in the pre-season, he won't be starting that first gaem barring injury. Losamn must unseat the current starter by defacto on bb.com, by way of practice rep #'s and order, and the way last season ended. Proves us all worng JP. We want you to... Go Bills!
  22. I am a Losman guy too...in that I want him to start the first 8-10 games this year and if he is still horrible than what the heck ;et Nall finish it off. I want JP to have his shot this year. Unforunatley with the lack of very good OL and WR talent it may be that even a good QB will look bad on this team I hope I am wrong. Go Bills!
  23. EC-Bills and McBride, Good point. I had that in the back of my mind. I don't think injuries are arbitrary but I do agree some injuries remove the bust label and that applies here.
  24. I see now that you were kidding a bit, so apologies for replying to my own posts but I believe you are right. He is trying BIG(Mike)-time!
  25. I disagree. While he was the 4th pick taken in a Draft he was not nearly as highly touted as Mandarich (one of the best OL prospects ever) and Leaf (considered by some as the top pick over Manning). Shoot. I'd say even Akili Smith, Steve Entman (sp? U of Wash DL), and Desond Howard were bigger busts... That said, Mike Williams was thought of by most to be a "safe" as a ROT for a decade. He is a big (in more then one way) bust. Too bad b/c you can tell he is a really good guy that just did not have it mentally (toughness) to make it in the NFL.
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